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Everything posted by NJS

  1. Interesting slant that the price he wants doesn't include the gallowgate land which he's transferred out of the clubs assets so even a small notional profit is underestimated. Also what he's done with this land stops future expansion which is another thing he deserves to die for.
  2. We're you on something else as well Meenz? I remember your fifteen minutes of fame but didn't think it was the Chase. (I think I was going to watch the video link then got distracted)
  3. Some magazine is planning to run a full pre-NDA interview with Stormy Daniels this week. You can see how a lot of his base will admire him but it's almost funny to see how the evangelicals will react.
  4. I don't think anyone comes out of this with any credit. Journalists have reported "facts" which have been bullshit from both sides even before you get to the fat cunt's actions and the now apparent doubts about PCP. Were fucked basically.
  5. NJS


    Feet can be a bit strange - the last gout attack I had in 2012 lasted six or seven weeks and affected my left big toe. After it finally abated I had a problem with the sole of my right foot akin to flat feet which my doctor thought might have been caused by damage by walking wrongly to compensate for the gout pain. That lasted on and off for about six months. I think small strains and sprains in the feet can build up and cause quite bad pain.
  6. NJS


    Instep and spread around doesn't sound like gout like - it's usually more obvious joints and very local. Indomethacin is just an NAID so would relieve any kind of pain.
  7. NJS

    Yes Gemmill...

    i was there (at Spurs) - it was horrific - and underscored by the same police incompetence/contempt/malice. Clyde Best was the first black footballer I can remember in this country but Regis was the first real star. RIP.
  8. I think he's approached the campaign and presidency in exactly the same way as he approaches his businessrs - lots of iffy deals and back scratching with scant regard for ethics. I think he's genuinely surprised that different standards apply to the office.
  9. That Abramson reckons all they need to do is get Trump under oath and he'll have perjured himself into impeachment within 30 seconds.
  10. Back at work and restarted Mindhunter-good to get back to something dark and thought provoking after a few mental interludes (Preacher, American gods, Legion).
  11. According to Fish's analysis, they have to win 10 out of 20 games to get a total in the region of what meant survival last year. I'm still mildly hopeful because of that.
  12. He's straight from the Ferguson school of Manc bitterness that never, ever gives credit to the opposition.
  13. Watched Guardians of the galaxy 2 the other night - okay but they laid on the family moral far too thick.
  14. Subtle response from Rafa about a managers responsibilities versus a pundit's meaningless opinions.
  15. If that was a red card, that cunt wouldn't have lasted till half time in any game he ever played.
  16. Overheard a hammer saying that was the worst atmosphere so far this year - he didn't know why but I got the impression there were a lot of kids having an Xmas treat which is fair enough. Arsenal - different place, same library of cunts.
  17. Enjoyed that - they worked their bollocks off and got what they deserved in the end. Shit atmosphere compared to the old ground.
  18. NJS

    Yes Gemmill...

    That decent old scouser off Gogglebox died. RIP.
  19. Well the last game I went to was the Derby almost three years to the day ago when the nonce scored.
  20. I had one. I'd quite happily use enthusiasm for this shite and support for the last four columns of that graphic as the basis for a death squad list.
  21. I'd like to see the Labour "rebels" and full party machinery actually give 100% at a general election as well.
  22. Trains fucked, working from home, cozy as fuck.
  23. In general when the libs are down as they are now, the UK reverts to an almost US situation where blocks vote labour or tory and its decided by those who don't have that loyalty and imo tend to vote selfishly. That suited Blair as a lot of those people wanted to be seen as being part of the zeitgest at the time. The outlier now is the youth vote - I don't think they've got the same loyalty instinct so they're up for grabs and as the tories have ignored and shat on them for years, they were easy pickings for the non-traditional appeal of Corbyn. If they stay engaged its going to be hard for the tories to make inroads into that group as it stands. I'd love to see a Spanish flu type culling of the old to at least reset the ground rules from the incredibly selfish hands of the baby boomers.
  24. Things haven't changed for those who vote tory - pensioners and those in work who are doing okay. It's not as if they're going to start giving a fuck about anyone else.
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