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Everything posted by NJS

  1. Corrupt ref shouldn't mask how shit they were. On the bright side, I agree that we're too thin to bother with the cups. How fucking depressing is that?
  2. I think the contrast of stats highlighted by HF last year when Lascelles was out probably points to shouting/leadership rather than just ability. It looks like we have another leader in Fernandez which is a huge plus (alleged strop or not).
  3. Has to be a cutoff - I'd say 20h was part time but 1h shouldn't count. Maybe 7 or 8 hours as in one day should be the threshold.
  4. Anyone see the two fuckers in the crowd hiding their mouths while talking like managers now do? Or the one praying complete with sign of the cross? We might be in deep shit but I still love watching these fuckers squirm.
  5. I completely understand and support playing like that against Chelsea et al but let's not forget we didn't play any football against fucking Cardiff either.
  6. It's the Russia thing that'll get his fuckwit kids and their spouses.
  7. A lot of people have said that about other immigrants over the years - see the Windrush stuff as a good example of people being classified as not properly British. I agree he's a naive idiot on some things but I'd also say that if I understand how full on zionism is then there is an inherent "yearning" to move to Israel and/or consider it the be all and end-all of everything.
  8. NJS


    There was a five minute interlude in the mass for my Mam where the priest spoke about her warmly that really moved me and everyone else . I just switched off my brain Homer style for the rest. People were comforted by a familiar ritual I guess, though the church should learn from the response to the human bit.
  9. I think Mueller handed off the Cohen and Manafort stuff in order to get the leverage for making them cooperate on the big stuff. He knows he needs a shit load of smoking guns to get enough republican senators to vote for impeachment.
  10. Nuclear war with Iran by this time tomorrow is my guess when he sees the shit happening now.
  11. You should be shot just for using "progressive values".
  12. Perfect chance to fuck over the ref but I expected him to miss. Another relegation struggle beckons.
  13. Just checking the Mackem score and I see that that cunt Madeley who sent Collocini off has quit as a "ref". Good.
  14. Look up "Bikers for Trump" and Harley Davison to see the level of stupidity you're dealing with.
  15. We're fucked. He doesn't think there will be a no deal as the pressure is too much but even a quasi-eu membership combined with "great" deals with other countries will still mean reduced growth for a decade at least. He's extremely sceptical that good trade deals are possible.
  16. The fluctuation in tory support after chequers suggests to me that the 35-39 percent are determinedly driven by a non-soft brexit.
  17. I'm going to a Brexit briefing by our chief economist at 10 - I'll report back after but Renton should probably get his defibrillator ready.
  18. There's some shit where Melania channelled 26m for the "inauguration" via a friend's company to this Burnett bloke who's the producer of the apprentice and supposedly has the tapes. The amount of effort and money that goes into covering up his shite is phenomenal.
  19. Of course going around killing their enemies ex judice no matter how bad things they've done are is another thing they get away with far too easily.
  20. I've only read him speaking about the 1985 bombing victims. If not then fair enough.
  21. The most senior plo member in the cemetery and being honoured was supposedly the first one who talked about recognising Israel and moving away from all out violence. Him going there to honour the Munich killers is a downright lie. As I said at the start it's one of the naive/stupid things he did when he didn't matter.
  22. Fair point on the idealism. Possibly but a new party will guarantee it and I'm not convinced any of the Blairites would stop it either.
  23. I should add that plenty of so called respectable people have laid wreaths (which Corbyn didn't even do) on the graves of terrorists turned statesmen including Israeli PMs.
  24. The thing is Blair didn't undo any of Thatcher's crimes. He may have funded things well (though too much pfi) but overall he continued where major left off. I worry that a new generation centrist will do the same. Nothing ambitious, just pissing around the edges with a more human face. I hope for better and there's enough untapped wealth and sense of community in this country to at least try. Possibly.
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