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Everything posted by NJS

  1. I'm still on holiday and have just been watching a BBC World news report following up on some US troops the reporter spent some time with in Iraq. There lives were a mixture of fuck ups and making it okay but what shocked me was this stat: 4500 troops were killed in Iraq and Afghanistan but since then 100000 have committed suicide - awful price for very questionable outcomes.
  2. You'd think Salisbury would be avoiding red considering what the Russians have done to the fuckers lately. (I know Russia isn't associated with red anymore but fuck it).
  3. Fair comment and I do think a second vote would "win" - I just don't think it's as cut and dried as the proponents think. I do think most leavers are at best misled and at worst racist and ignorant - unfortunately constantly pointing that out is just entrenching their position. I just don't think Labour and more significantly Corbyn embracing a softer than soft deal is the panacea some think. (that was aimed at Renton first reply)
  4. Has anyone considered the pov that the support has slightly reduced because they went second vote/remainish friendly at conference? As I've said before, the idea that the rabid leavers have all waken up and "seen sense" is an arrogant and probably false notion - exemplified by the confidence in a second vote being foregone.
  5. One of the worst things for me is when the cunt say he'll only sell to someone who can "take the club forward" - as if he's ever even contemplated doing that.
  6. He was shitter for us than a hundred Joselus combined so the cunt can fuck right off as far as I'm concerned.
  7. It's his fault that we depend on a loanee who's made it crystal clear he can't fucking wait to go back to Chelsea. I know it's extremely naive to expect any player to care that much but there's acceptable degrees.
  8. NJS

    Gigs 2024

    To be fair they did play a full 3 hours so maybe a couple of diversions is okay as compared to a festival.
  9. NJS

    Gigs 2024

    They did Space Oddity, some Fleetwood Mac song I didn't recognise and did indeed do STH. As I said I have a general dislike of covers with very few exceptions - I think The Sundays' version of Wild Horses is fantastic but I struggle to name that many more.
  10. NJS

    Gigs 2024

    Nowt as bad as that but some strange song choices (eg new single as final encore) and cover versions which I dislike generally. If I want to hear Stairway to heaven, I'll go to the nearest paedo retirement home/cemetary and ask to hear the original, I don't get why anyone who has written so many good songs would want to play other people's.
  11. NJS

    Gigs 2024

    Saw the Smashing Pumpkins the other night and though he can over indulge himself to distraction, they can still bang out the big ones brilliantly.
  12. NJS

    Holidays 2024

    I'm in Cyprus at the moment (got here yesterday) and did look at these Cobalt people before booking with BA. Lucky escape by the looks of things.
  13. I know I like to talk harshly about tories but the Coppers, officials and judges involved with shit like that are evil by any definition of the word.
  14. Would be good if the fat cunt sued him into the poor house.
  15. The first FA Cup win for me (just).
  16. I saw something that showed he was looking at the middle of the goal to watch for pushing etc.
  17. First or second season? It's pretty good like. I'm finishing Preacher s3 today (better than S2) and then will be moving on to Ozark S2.
  18. I'm not sure how much they actually paid for Sanchez with it being a sort of free transfer/swap/mega-wage deal but if you take it as say 60m that means their 3 subs cost 125m - twice what our our team cost as a whole.
  19. Unless you're old enough to remember Munich, man United have never had bad times and you're sill a glory hunting cunt.
  20. I thought we'd lose even after our second - just needed time for Taylor to influence the game "correctly". He should be dropped for giving a goal kick nevermind not giving the pen. As well as allowing their thuggery - Pogba and mactominlay could both have been reds. I like the cut of Muto's jib though.
  21. Thank fuck the cunt didn't win the Nobel peace prize - he would have been even more insufferable.
  22. Wasn't it Rik in the young ones who really popularised the "secret" Vs where you scratch you nose etc? Slightly shitter version of that really. Anyway all of his plans are aligning with that bent nosed manc bastard now free to take over from Rafa.
  23. NJS

    Kevin Keegan

    I'm tempted to go to his signing in London on Thursday.
  24. Tebbit suggested the same when gay marriage passed.
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