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Everything posted by NJS

  1. I might be wrong about this but there was a game against Chelsea 6 or 7 years ago when Terry should have been sent off in a much clearer position only to receive a yellow. I'm almost sure it was Dean in charge.
  2. Portugal has gone quite to the left and is doing well. Spain is centrist but in coalition with socialists who have forced some decent stuff getting results. In France, Macron is massively unpopular as his help the rich agenda is exposed, Merkel has packed in after the CDU were decimated in state elections so I don't think its a stretch to say centrists are running out of time. Soubry said something interesting yesterday - I think she's full of shit but she said May hadn't reached out to the 48% at all which is true but on the other hand the FBPE and PV lot have been the same - we'll just undo the vote and everything will be okay - they have no interest in discussing addressing some of the reasons leave voters voted as they did. I do think ignorance, lies and racism affected the leave vote but you don't address those things by just telling people they are thick. If people in the north voted leave because they feel their lives are shit and nobody cared then maybe we should look at how 40 years of centrist/right wing governments have led to that instead of just sneering at them.
  3. NJS

    Gigs 2024

    Went to see the Charlatans and James at Wembley last night. Charlatans were canny but his voice is a bit screechy these days - makes him sound more like the manc stereotype. They did do a great version of Ever fallen in love though. James were excellent - good new songs and the hits were great.
  4. Centrists like Milliband are being destroyed all over europe because they have absolutely no answers to actually changing things for the better for the vast majority of the people. They think a second vote is a foregone conclusion and don't give a shit about why people actually voted leave apart from the "lies/stupid" meme.
  5. Tried to say they were mocking the kid when it's obvious its her that's a fucking idiot.
  6. It would be quite funny if installing Whittaker causes Mueller to up the ante and in doing so causes the stupid corrupt fucker to implode.
  7. NJS

    Yes Gemmill...

    https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2018/nov/28/harry-leslie-smith-dies-aged-95 Top bloke. RIP.
  8. Been promised a pardon by the cunt.
  9. There was a spell when we used to sit in the Milburn before the expansion when players guests and wives used to sometimes go through our bit to to the toilets or to get out. Ginola's wife was spotted a couple of times and she was absolutely stunning even by footballers wives standards . I had a search last night and saw that's he's binned her for a 29 year old model now
  10. I enjoyed Ginola's contribution generally. I think the Monday night shows always review weekend shit to be fair.
  11. Ki impressed the fuck out of me - it's been too long without a player with a brain in the team. Was it Perez who broke in injury time and didn't head for the corner but tried to play someone in and gave it away? - nearly joined kd in having a heart attack by screaming at him.
  12. I've seen bits of three games on sky this weekend and they've all featured commentators apologising for bad language - one piss off from a player and two crowd chants. Another nail in the coffin.
  13. Would be good if the "he's never taken a penny out of the club" band of cunts now mention the 60m Strawberry place thing. Don't hold your breaths.
  14. Mine run all my home automation so as well as lights I can do major AV tasks. It's a geek think in the main admittedly.
  15. He probably wasn't Catholic but they believe it at even f the islanders lived perfect lives (minus the murder probably) then they can't enter heaven without knowing about christ. I'm assuming the evangelist believes the same.
  16. Fair point until people realised how much money those other people have and that it would never run out.
  17. You'll be astonished to learn I'm similar to Pablo Iglesias :). Don't know how the fuck they have Macron as anywhere near lefty mind.
  18. Not that it matters but his figure are wrong - it's millions not billions and hundeds of jobs not thousands.
  19. May's racist rhetoric is aimed at the tory base - mainly old, mainly southern. Theres nothing that will change their minds apart from death.
  20. He's obviously spent his entire life lying and making shit up on a daily basis and has no idea that the president shouldn't do it and will get found out. Not that being called out bothers him or affects him of course.
  21. There was a run of classic Simpsons on last weekend including the one where Homer is elected Union rep and because he's scared of sounding stupid, he keeps his mouth shut during talks. Mr Burns thinks this makes Homer a negotiating genius who holds all the cards so panics and offers him a great deal. That's how I imagine Scudamore negotiating with Sky.
  22. Surely people have now realised these great trade deals are a myth? Even wto is a minefield.
  23. I always thought writing people off as evil when they're ten was a bit extreme. Not saying they didn't know what they did was wrong or anything like that but still.
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