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Everything posted by NJS

  1. I still think her no deal threat is just an arm twister for her deal - as Starmer has said today.
  2. They did promise - now I'm as cynical as you and think they'd have actually have abolished the top rate of tax instead but I don't remember them objecting to much to what Blair did.
  3. Of course, but giving 97-07 revenues I don't think they would have differed that much. The crisis gave them the chance to ultra-cunt up.
  4. The argument against NL bankrupting the economy is quite right pointing out that the tories promised to match spending throughout their term. As most of that list is general public spending, where would a government under Hague or Howard differed? (I accept minimum wage would have been a no-no).
  5. I'm willing to be shot down and I think he's a horrible scouse cunt but I can't see what's wrong with "Jewish people should stand up and oppose the murdering government of Israel".
  6. Major/Blair prove him right - though its hard to say on some issues who was which.
  7. Yeah, 11 MPs are going to be able to do what 290 haven't been able to.
  8. As far as I can tell they're all massively safe labour seats - they won't call them because they know they'd lose. Their plan is supposedly to fight Labour/ tory marginals next time out - that's 8 more tory seats then.
  9. I know it's not good optics as they say and it goes back to lack of pragmatism but I still think there are some issues with the IHRA thing which were worth a debate - though I understand why debates are tricky in this area.
  10. You support no policies, just a vague hankering back to NL - fair enough. Those manifesto policies poll extremely well on their own terms so describing them as extreme shows how far right the goal posts have been moved.
  11. It's bad publicity but I'm sure there are plenty of other members as or more extreme. I do honestly think the party should be a broad church but people who actively say they'd rather have a tory government than a Labour one led by Corbyn have no place. As I said yesterday rejecting a moderately left wing manifesto they benefitted from in terms of their majorities is a bit much without calling a by-election.
  12. I think Berger has been a true victim and I fell sorry for her but I'd make the point that random cunts on twitter aren't necessarily party members or officials. Some NUFC fans post horrific racist and other bigoted shite but I think holding the club to account is expecting a bit much - though I would expect complaints against ST holders to be followed up.
  13. That was under a prime Blairite. It's the same numbers game - you can bleat and howl or make great points all you like, without a majority you're powerless.
  14. The opposition who abstained in the welfare bill?
  15. I thought he was expelled, Soz if I'm wrong.
  16. Tbf the highest profile anti-semitism case did result in decisive expulsion - Ken Livingstone.
  17. I don't see how Corbyn being leader has suddenly meant a shit load of anti-semites joining Labour. As I've said before being pro-Palestinian can go too far but I'll bet there have been those elements for years. Social media doesn't help of course.
  18. They all increased their majorities fighting on that manifesto. Simple question - what do they reject and what's their alternative?
  19. I reckon play-offs. Has Mendonca got any sons who play in that league by any chance?
  20. If her quote about the severed heads being okay as they were enemies of Islam is how she still feels I'd leave her to rot. If she expresses regret then I'd go with Renton.
  21. He also said that using the 25h amendment of the constitution would be unconstitutional.
  22. Didn't narrow it down past the North East. I think you could "win" on charva alone.
  23. You're right but I think it's fair enough to point out that despite being a great war leader, he was a racist, bordering on fascist bastard.
  24. NJS

    Holidays 2024

    Went for the game in 97 - bit on edge as we had to get tickets as the club only sold them as part of official trip (got them eventually). Looked like a typical continental old town - bit of a Square with lots of bars/cafes. Typical shopping streets with more bars.
  25. Scarily I saw posts on RTG along the lines of "it was 3 months to her 16th birthday so she was nearer legal than just being 15"
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