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Everything posted by NJS

  1. I tend to agree Gloom but how long would the wake up call take? The Mogg cunt has already played the "it may take 50 years before I'm proven right" card so even 12 months of utter shit won't change his or his followers' minds.
  2. I do admit I was wrong on that. I'd take revocation tomorrow personally but still think it's too damaging and as I said I don't think another vote will heal anything whichever way it goes.
  3. As i said they think a remain revote is the only answer and won't countenance anything else.
  4. The deserters and libs who voted against the soft options but for the vote need to realise (imo) that a soft Brexit without a vote would be less damaging than relying on a vote which confirmed May or no deal. I'm still convinced the get out of jail remain result is not in the bag.
  5. I agree but there's nowt to put on the ballot as it stands. The number of tories who voted against everything is shocking like.
  6. Surely a waste of effort - not many takers for no deal surely?
  7. Rondon going just past the post just before ht.
  8. Lee "Mickey Gray" Cattermole. Lovely.
  9. Equaliser was offside, clear Cardiff pen denied, last man yellow for Rudiger that could/should have been red.
  10. Cunt's going to have a stroke when they ask him about the ref.
  11. Hilariously blatant red card in the old firm game.
  12. If they were "logical" they'd realise that outs him as a non-MLF - true ones know everything about NUFC.
  13. Thing is his fan club who'd have no hesitation in voting for him are it's biggest users but will probably be exempt from charges.
  14. There's another one about the fairs Cup - I think when we won it, it meant only Villa had won more trophies in English football.
  15. Closing the grounds seems sensible but I can't help thinking it'll be seen as an ASBO type badge of achievment among them and the other knuckle draggers in that region.
  16. Reading Seth Abramson's take on this it looks like the law was stitched up by Sessions and the other lackeys. Everyone thought Mueller had a comprehensive remit to find any corruption involving any Russians but actually he was tasked with finding evidence of a written pact with the hackers group or the GRU which nobody ever accused him of doing in the first place. Even then Barr's letter is a mess. The good news as you say is that the amount of shit he has found has been farmed out to all of the other investigations and Congress will have it all bundled together.
  17. Trump's lickspiittel AG's summary of the report about to drop - probably spun to fuck.
  18. Leadsom "jokingly" said come back when it gets 17m - now that would be good.
  19. The one with Fiji announced last week.
  20. Don't forget she can now add any MP and party who vote against it as responsible for no deal as well after establishing her lack of blame (in her mind). It will be lapped up by the media plus morons willingly.
  21. That's been her plan since last year to force her deal through- we're just down to the last 8 days now.
  22. Thing is her reply to Corbyn that an SM/CU/PV had been voted down is only really true because it was a Labour motion and the tories were whipped against it - maybe the idiot has something that the problem could be saved by a truly whipless indicative vote not brought by any one side. Clutching at straws but maybe that's needed.
  23. I accept a number of leavers will have seen sense given the options exposed but there'll still be a shit load who didn't and dont care what the actual terms are. Relying on the death/new voter thing is a bit blasé too.
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