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Everything posted by NJS

  1. Conveniently he was sent to where he'd be happiest.
  2. Well remainers haven't murdered anyone yet so you're still winning on that score.
  3. Have you though about the fact that Labour will be losing voters to Farage as well?
  4. Thing is if voting Labour in the EU elections is deemed a vote for brexit as the libs and traitors are saying they're going to be fucked when someone points out that brexit party +labour+ tories will be more than 50% so any argument that their total shows the "will of the people" will be completely lost from their pov.
  5. Do they not give a fuck about the lib dems part in creating brexit conditions either or are we just erasing the past now?
  6. I can see why there'll be mass whinging but I actually enjoyed it - it generally made sense. Then again I have no problem with the end of Dexter so I know I'm a freak when it comes to these tbings.
  7. It's fair enough to praise an excellent team but from a big picture pov it's a worrying thing for football imo.
  8. NJS

    Holidays 2024

    We went in 99 when we played Roma - only pisser was that in preparation for a "holy year" in 2000, the Cistine chapel was shut. Definitely lives up to the hype - a proper sense of history.
  9. I thought that was at the start when talking to Tyrion and it indicated she'd been crying over Missandei's and the rest.
  10. I thought he travelled with Jon, not the fleet?
  11. She did say "I've been betrayed" - not sure that meant they intercepted his letters or as I said about last week, he setup the sea ambush.
  12. I just think holding control of that many people by fear (without nuclear dragons) is a push in the context of how she got that power.
  13. Also there were two articles in the guardian last week whinging that after Missandei's death the show was now racist and also one suggesting the handling of female leads had gone tits up (no pun intended). They're going to go fucking mental over Dragon Tits now.
  14. Well Hot Pie told Arya that Cersei blew up the Sept so it must be common knowledge.
  15. I read something which I agreed with about how one shit bit of writing post book alignment was how Cersei was hated at the end of S5 by the people and then she compounded that by killing the high sparrow who was popular as well as Margery who was loved by all and suffered no consequences as a result - she'd been warned about the people (who she obviously despised) rising up but they just meekly carried on as if nothing had happened.
  16. Made me think of her brother in S1 saying the people of Westeros loved them and couldn't wait for him to return to the throne - then she started to gradually repeat the same shite and Mormont told her it was pretty much shite but she kept spouting it. At least it made sense that she saw that people respect and like Jon for who he is and what he's done and realised that that wasn't going to happen for her so when it came to it the people didn't matter. A bit of realism as well - when did medieval sieges ever involve the seigers considering the populations for one second?
  17. Still too many fuzzy plotting points and far too rushed. I think Arya has a new list with one name on it.
  18. Seems like another case of directors of football signing shit and the manager getting the blame to me. See also Huddersfield and Fulham
  19. Might change my avatar back to the Pixies as I kept thinking of a line in Monkey gone to heaven.
  20. One of the SSN blokes said "The agonising 29 year wait for the title goes on". Agonising.
  21. I sort of agree but can't help thinking the Westminster view that Leeds (the limit mentioned) is as far as Northern investment should/needs to go is as disappointing as usual.
  22. Just like Change UK but with remain and nowt else than.
  23. Bullshit on sky regarding the Gayle red - I'd have been pissed off if any striker of ours hadn't gone for that cross.
  24. NJS


    I'm guessing when I read on. Com a few weeks ago that the neutral end had been released after previously being kept back it was when Ranieri was sacked and relegation was confirmed and it was all doom and gloom so the crowd was expected to drop. Since then Parker seems to have lifted their heads so there's more of a feel good factor so they've decided to play silly buggers again.
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