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Everything posted by NJS

  1. Ah, thought he'd signed.
  2. So that's Lazaar and that Berecca or whatever we signed in January written off?
  3. Theres a mentality of it being a chance to "put things right" against a fenian club unfortunately - and pre-season always increases the fuckwit factor anyway.
  4. It's all Been a con so he could increase his stake on the cheap.
  5. Looks like we're back to signing players to pander to certain agents which always worked so well in the past.
  6. I'd say if he resigned (very unlikely but maybe he could be persuaded) the only likely centrist who could win the leadership would be Watson who I don't think is that appealing. I'm not quite sure where Starmer fits but I'd take him at the moment. Wanting to retain the bulk of the manifesto being the priority for me (plus stronger remain position obviously).
  7. There are still some who think we'll be better off in the long run sadly. I think the majority are in the "just let it be over* camp not realising even if we come out "smoothly" there'll be another couple of years of shite.
  8. I know I'm going to sound ludicrously naive but we could really do with someone banging all their heads together with a stated aim of what's best for the country right now and sort everything else later. I'd even take the fucking queen doing it.
  9. Theres no way enough peoplr feel strongly enough for places in the north east to not elect labour MPs - might not be enough to form a government but the idea of an LD government in their own right is unlikely. Again despite the muddled position, the only realistic path to another ref is via Labour - a GE is actually more likely if Johnson does something stupid even for him.
  10. POssibly true but if there's a GE tomorrow and all the remain before anything else vote LD or green and the tories/Farage win as a result then all they'll have done is ensure a hard brexit. If its a minority govenment then their only chance of another vote will be labour as I'll bet the tories atill won't go for it - if they're in pact with Farage then they can't.
  11. How many times do I have to mention parliamentary arithmetic? There is no big red button to stop brexit or have another ref - how many times does it have to be voted down for you to realise this? There is no way to get a GE without Johnson calling it - as I said tories might be cunts but theres no way they will shoot themselves by bringing down a government.
  12. It's an EDM from what I've read rather than a full vote call - no obligation for any of the fuckers to vote.
  13. What happened with the last one? - the liberals went on for weeks saying Labour should call one, eventually they did and it failed and straight away Cable said they wouldn't waste any more time taking part in them. Now there's a new tory leader for them to rally around and theyre off again playing games. Anyway Swinson falls firmly in the "rather have a tory government than a Corbyn led labour one" camp.
  14. IT's a fucking trap by that bitch man, if the cunts rallied around May, there's no way a confidence vote will pass before he's even met anyone in the EU or laid out a "plan".
  15. Not a record but I remember being underwhelmed to fuck watching Guivarch at the 98 World Cup.
  16. I never liked Jack Charlton when he was our manager but I saw a quote from him relatively recently where he said there was only one team apart from England that he got out of his seat for and that was Newcastle. Compare and contrast with his pure manc cunt of a brother. I didn't see it live as I was at the match but I've seen the recording of Bruce as a pundit for the 99 final being asked who he wanted to win and replying "United - that's Man United" - two capital crimes in one sentence of four words.
  17. Was going to say that Could mention Wiz and Pal but I don't think they were victims of anything, ever
  18. When he invites Farage into the cabinet?
  19. That Swinson says she'll do everything she can to stop brexit but wont form a coalition with Labour or the SNP. How will that work then?
  20. Leave twat on the next desk to me was spouting this morning about it'll all blow over after a few months after no deal when it "settles down" - imbecile.
  21. 12 - 15 was the previous Mackem record.
  22. Failing to read the many articles stating the cunt doesn't actually coach.
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