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Everything posted by NJS

  1. Has anyone asked the LDs or others what they want the other option(s) to be on the ballot and what they'd do if leave won? I still think it would be closer than assumed after another campaign because I cant's see any lessons learned
  2. It's a "best for the country moment" imo - they have to make sure October 31st passes then embrace it 100%.
  3. Fair comment - I think he should have come out for a second ref sooner. Thing is if there is another vote and leave won at least he could continue that unite line - the libs and the rest would be fucked.
  4. I've argued this strongly at work with people who didn't even know about "De Ffeffel". It's like when they humanised the bitch with "Maggie".
  5. The way the two sides have entrenched themselves has led to the leave=right wing racist/remain = traitor rhetoric. I know I come across as the most pro-Corbyn poster on here which is fair despite my doubts about his leadership at times but I'd say he was the only leader to actually try and bring the two sides together. That may be because he's actually a leaver in a mainly remain party but it's also true. Nearly everybody on here would like to see revocation by whatever means but I think there's too much contempt for leavers at times. Some of them deserve it but not all. This was in reply to zerosum BTW.
  6. There's a couple of blokes on the next desk to mine, both leavers, who are absolutely terrified of a Corbyn government. The other day they were whinging about a policy I haven't read about which would count lifetime gifts to kids like weddings and house deposits as part of the iht allowance. Obviously pure evil compared to no deal. They work on a team which has spent just about 2 years preparing for brexit so they know perfectly well how stupid it is but believe eveytthing will be back to normal after six months of a no deal.
  7. Won't happen and I'm not sure it's actually correct morally but it would be funny if Labour just ran on a revoke platform - that would shut Swinson up at least.
  8. As I said when it was suggested, the idea that he'd try and pass all kinds of legislation is just scare tactics as it would be voted down anyway without the extra numbers from other parties. Of course Clarke won't have to sell himself as anti-Corbyn at a subsequent election which is the real reason Swinson won't join.
  9. I love how his letter tries to make it about other issues with this pesky brexit as a distraction.
  10. Exactly right. Though I can't help thinking his master stroke was telling them to forget everything he's told them since he arrived and just play like last year.
  11. I still think the season and probably this match will end in tears but that was a bloody good half.
  12. All summer signings loaned back to their previous clubs in January....
  13. It's like gameplans and tactics actually fucking matter.
  14. Well the alternative is Farage and/or Johnson.
  15. As I said if he tried anything they could just vote against it anyway. If a GE followed the current polls then the libs would have no choice but to join with Labour anyway if they wanted a second ref.
  16. I understand the idea of the lib dems seeing themselves as power brokers and I generally support pr but one thing I really disliked about the 2010 thing was Clegg dictating to Labour that Brown had to go. I think the power broker role shouldn't extend to dictating other parties leaders and that applies here. They might think Corbyn can't be trusted which I can understand to some extent but as Gem says, that shouldn't mean an out of hand rejection. Just talk ffs.
  17. So the opponents just ignore "strictly time limited". Even if he wanted to do something "stupid" like nationalise something or cancel trident, it would still need a vote which they could just oppose. What's Swinsons route to stopping no deal or getting another ref? - Yvette Cooper undermining her party - is there a majority of Labour MPs for that? If there's a GE does with no majority does she think she'll get a second ref out of Johnson?
  18. Claims he had a knock. The stupidity was 4 defenders on the bench but that was supposedly because Dummet and Lascelles weren't 100%. Yes, we're back to playing unfit players a la fucking Pardew.
  19. We were alright in the first half - a lot last year, not creating much but certainly giving them a game. Have to say they weren't that good though. The shambles started when the fraud took shelvey off and put Wilhems on, from then on we were a fucking shambles with no fucker knowing where they were supposed to be. The second sub just added to the chaos.
  20. Chucking on the left back to "attack" absolutely screams Pardew.
  21. New players were shit, choice of subs lineup was shit, shape and organisation was shit. All as I expected.
  22. Without sounding like a broken record, I think one of the worst things the Blair government did was largely ignore housing as they were happy to ride the feel good wave of price rises. I think in terms of long term negative effect on Britain. Thatcher's right to buy was one of her crowning glories.
  23. I love the thread whinging about the Tyne and Tees getting a free port (turns out the stupid cunts didn't apply) where the first reply reckons it's to do with whose side they were on in the fucking civil war
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