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Everything posted by NJS

  1. Subtle difference between "you're a liar" and "that's a lie" - they should exploit it.
  2. Saw a clip of the bloke saying 80k wasn't even top 50%. I've heard this attitude a lot at work from thick cunts who think just because they know quite a few people who earn a lot more than that and them that that means they're somehow on "middle income" - literally using that phrase. It's almost as common as a complete denial that banking caused the 08 crash and not overspending - they are that stupid.
  3. No but I think place names should be left in their native language rather than translated into English - I'd have no problem calling Germany Deutschland etc, etc.
  4. Excuse my ignorance but what's wrong with saying Eire?
  5. I started following Baddiel because I admire his take on the anti-semitism issue but I do disagree with him on certain aspects - including this.
  6. Gloom will be along to tell us it's standard procedure... (Not calling him a tory, just a defender of the indefensible)
  7. It brings up a point about whether a party leader is a sort of dictator once elected or the figurehead of a mass democratic movement. I prefer the latter but accept that people want an air of authority as that's what they're used to which is where Corbyn falls down. I think a leader should be able to say "my personal position is x but the party's conference decided position is y" and be able to pull it off - as long as they argue for y.
  8. You could add that they built a statue to a man who was born and lived his entire life on Tyneside and captained Newcastle United with distinction.
  9. Well it also goes back to him being sacked by Michael Howard for blatantly lying about his affairs and children thereof.
  10. Alternatively I'm surprised we haven seen "Corbyn shoots blanks" headlines.
  11. I've read this morning that countries with state providers have coverage in the 90%s (top countries probably) while the UK is 10% - that's Thatchers legacy. Supposedly competition should have worked its magic and provided it but surprisingly it didn't. I think the benefits would be huge - more home working with saved commuting costs being a major one.
  12. Most things poll well for nationalisation - I think this would as well - those with a negative view of it tend to be people who have a bug bear about the 70s and perceived issues - probably pensioners who'll vote tory anyway. I think an argument about who owns services which benefit everyone is a good one to have - we shouldn't be frightened by dogma from 35/40 years ago when people can see utter failures like the probation service as examples of going too far. Maybe making it free is a stretch as then you could argue the same for other utilities but I think aiming for a reasonable cost would be fine.
  13. The past three years have been defined by the tory red lines though - a more compromising set would invite a more reasonable deal.
  14. One of thatchers greatest crimes was preventing BT from getting into cable to sweeten the pot for the city. Set the country back years at the altar of privatisation and capitalism. They could just nationalise openreach.
  15. I've said before - and I think its true even if its true that Corbyn personally is a staunch leaver - that there's nothing wrong with trying to appeal to both sides - there should be plenty of middle ground between "they're traitors" and "they're thick racists". However I'm not sure there's any evidence that that appeal is working so as Ewerk said maybe it is time for a "we respect your view but you're wrong". Swinson was asked the other day how she could encompass leavers if she could actually revoke and she gave no answer whatsoever - just like May and the rest of the tories maintaining that actually getting out would "heal the rift" and other such bollocks. .
  16. To be fair he said "early years" - he seemed to want to take scotland along with the union rather than jettison them - I think that's a fair position.
  17. Thing is there was an old attitude which probably persists which say's if you're doing "okay" you should vote tory - that's how the bitch worked the council house sale, assuming that once people owned their own home they'd be more inclined to vote for them. Sadly it worked to a large degree. I think that's especially true with pensioners.
  18. To be fair it's been Labour policy since they started not to do deals with other parties - no matter how much people say times are unique they aren't really. I know politics is full of shit but when the lib dem statement regarding Canterbury says " we want to give the people a chance to vote for a remain candidate" the whole world should just shout "fuck off".
  19. Just reading the deadline for new candidates is Thursday so he should have waited till then - that gets my cynicism radar going.
  20. Swinson had previously directly appealed to the sitting Labour MP to join them as she seriously thinks all remainers are really lib dems.
  21. Don't see how that matters - matching the status of Germany, Italy, Spain etc isn't the end of the world (no pun intended).
  22. Polaris was never independent. I'm sure documents in the future will similarly reveal trident isn't. It's cock waving for little englanders. 3 countries in nato have nukes give or take. All of the others are perfectly happy not to bother so maybe they don't have collective penis issues.
  23. I saw a comment from Paul Mason that the future for Labour should be to concentrate on more modern "working class" groups like the low paid workers in the cities as well as nurses, health workers etc and they should leave the hardline europhobe racists behind. I reckon a venn diagram of old, leave/racist, northern labour voters which included the "God bless the queen/nuke em all" camp would be pretty overlapping. I reckon he has a point. BTW did anyone notice how the BBC edited out Johnson looking like a tramp and laying the wreath upside down and substituted old footage? Maybe the cunts should photoshop Michael Foots "donkey" jacket out of history just for balance.
  24. Last week was shit team against an even shitter team, this week the shit team is playing a semi-decent team. No contest.
  25. I think his engagement with the Jewish Community in his own constituency would suggest he isn't personally anti-semitic. I think it's just another example of him not taking a strong position on something which goes against his friends (unfortunately).
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