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Everything posted by NJS

  1. Missing the Stone Island badge on the sleeve.
  2. Cruise ships are giant sewers of disease at the best of times.
  3. NJS


    When I got my first job in banking in 2003, I missed out on a final salary scheme which they'd closed 6 month beforehand. If I'd got on that I'd still be there now even if I was sweeping the floors.
  4. NJS


    Watch out for the shit where they want to buy an annuity - catch there is they calculate it over 35 years by assuming people live to 100 which of course they don't. Pensions are less of a scam than they used to be when life expectancy was 67 but I still think they're a con to some extent.
  5. If this turns out to be true do we take the high ground on them being evil cunts, indulge in whataboutery regarding Sheff U, Villa (Chinese being shit on human rights) and even Man City whose owners are in the same realm or do we shrug our shoulders and say fuck it? Truthfully I'm leaning towards fuck it.
  6. NJS

    Yes Gemmill...

    Is Jordan the best then? I'd heard of Bryant but have no real sense of who he was or the context.
  7. Who reckons all the leaks that scupper the deals have the same source? Only one side is common to all of them.
  8. I had a season ticket for 26 years. I gave it up because he's a cunt.
  9. I definitely saw it after I got home but can't find it - I had a good look when he signed. That's where he committed two capital crimes in five words: "Who do want to win Steve?" "United, I mean Man United"
  10. I'm at the stage where I don't know which is worse - it's either completely bent or they actually thought he was worth 40m.
  11. Whether you think NL were a force for good or not (I actually think generally they were), there can be no argument that they incorporated facets of Thatcherism. I think the discussion should be more about the point of stating it - if its to gain kudos with the young zealots in the membership by framing it negatively then I thinks its just playing for votes and dubious, if it's to take the position that a government has to play the establishment game in this country to do anything then its fairly practical (but sad).
  12. Because any of our centre halves are better goalscorers than he is?
  13. Thatcherism to me is defined by low taxes targetted at the rich, deregulation, Union suppression, no investment in business, infrastructure and industry, property based wealth, privatisation and very low public spending. Apart from the last one we have had 40 years of it.
  14. I don't think anyone's claiming otherwise tbh. I think blaming him for brexit is a bit strong though.
  15. I agree and admitted earlier in the thread that I underestimated the national anthem/nuclear button/IRA sympathiser bullshit. I just thought people wouldn't let that get in the way of improving their lives. Sadly they do.
  16. I've seen similar ones with a reverse order of the top 2.
  17. No, polling shows that in the leave areas it was very much a confirmatory brexit vote. Corbyn was also a large factor but the leavers fundamentally wanted to leave and didn't give a shit about much else.
  18. Also on Nandy, she did well against Neill but her remarks on Scotland and Catalonia were just wrong.
  19. If the clear arguments didn't change leave minds in the 3 years after the vote, why would they have changed them before? We have to just face up to the fact that millions wanted it and didn't give a fuck about the how, who, why and whats in the debate.
  20. Speaking of which I was reading the twitter thread where Long-Bailey announced her website and there were loads who weren't even going to vote for her as she accepted that BOD document - now that's a spectacular level of purity.
  21. Dummet injuring his other leg screams a typical Souness/Pardew brought back before the original injury fully healed job.
  22. Six points above third bottom and getting worse.
  23. No adult conversations allowed.
  24. They should have just used some old footage they had that didn't look bad. (For Epstein)
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