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Everything posted by NJS

  1. Get that cunt Pence in to lead more prayers like he did the other day.
  2. NJS

    Yes Gemmill...

    I enjoyed a few but it also gets a bit too American at times. He'll say "and then you moved on to a little known show called...." and the audience start whooping and cheering before they even start talking about whatever it is. Annoying. Overall interesting though.
  3. I think Warren needs to drop out (if she gets hammered today) to give Sanders more chance of having the most delegates which is when it'll get interesting if they try and fuck him over.
  4. Probably Bruce's fault but wasn't it flagged when signed he'd had attitude problems?
  5. I tend to agree but I'd like to think some things can be done. What neoliberalism has done throughout the West is to convince people - especially older ones - that absolutely nowt's possible apart from tinkering. The rich fucking love that and it's its greatest "success" - building on Thatcher killing empathy.
  6. I'm sure there are many, many dems (especially the top brass) who'd rather lose with Biden than win with Sanders.
  7. The centrist dems are dropping like flies - probable aim is for Biden to stitch up Sanders by offering the VP to Warren for her delegates. I'd be very surprised if Biden beats Trump.
  8. The whole place is fucked up - Pelosi has said if they develop a vaccine it should be "affordable" - they have absolutely no concept of universal anything.
  9. It was always one level of stupid to want to leave imo but it was stupid to an nth degree to believe that any EU funding for any sector would be replaced by a tory government.
  10. NJS

    Mo Farah

    To channel RobW, they're all at it.
  11. NJS

    Holidays 2024

    I don't know how other cities are at the moment but I see quite a few homeless around Liverpool Street, Bank and St Paul's.
  12. Tony Gale climbing the ranks of cockney cunts here.
  13. I think I've referred to that a few times on here - it was peak "football fans don't matter as they're all animals".
  14. The current polls still show Sanders beating Trump by the most points of all the candidates. Obviously before the campaign start fully.
  15. There are obviously a lot of people in the UK who belong to one political tribe or the other all their lives but they don't half go on for this rigid party stuff in the US. Especially considering how broadly centrist they've both usually been.
  16. I'm sure all those in Lincolnshire who voted leave because of the Eastern European fruit pickers will snap up all of the sub-minimum wage jobs now.
  17. Anyone got a handle of this story about Mackems abusing snakes?
  18. That Baddiel thing about holocaust denial was good - if hard work. I did think he got the thing about Palestinians using it as a weapon right but then didn't emphasise that for others enough - I'm sure most of these cunts know it happened but use the denial to hurt Jews.
  19. Classic red shirt non sending off for McGuire.
  20. I'm sure we discussed universal contraception with breeding licences on here - not quite the same angle but a bit iffy looking back. Not defending him cos the shit about blacks and IQs was fucking shocking.
  21. Well I work for a bank but didn't cause the crash - though I know what happened and that traders like Javid who dealt in CDSs were very culpable.
  22. You've got be 35 to run - I think she's out for the next two or three at last. As I suggested the DNC is pivoting towards Bloomberg to stop Sanders.
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