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Everything posted by NJS

  1. Full leather mistress of pain get-up?
  2. I usually go to asda on a Sunday morning - not for a big weekly shop but just a curry, yoghurts for the week and toiletries I need - full basket at the most. Took one look at the car park this morning and came home - fucking madness.
  3. 52% English, 46% Ireland, 2% from Sweden. With the 52% being specifically Durham /Tyne & Wear / Borders. Makes sense as my research confirms my mams line has been in Shields for centuries and my dad's great grandparents were famine era Irish immigrants. Don't know where the Viking comes from.
  4. Was going to say its no coincidence the two regimes with the slackest approach are the ones that chase the dollar/pound the most.
  5. Been informed we're on 4 days a week WFH from home from Monday - don't know the rationale of one day but it'll probably be extended.
  6. Strange as it's their voter base.
  7. As an alternative to the virus, I think I'd die laughing if the Premier league was cancelled without awarding it to the scouse cunts.
  8. I'm back to being concerned now that Dubravka's out.
  9. I'm off this week as it happens but have read emails saying they're ramping up the WFH tests at work to 50% on Thursday to 80% on Friday for all digital/IT teams. There's also a general "maximise remote working" instruction now in place.
  10. You're right but there would be question marks - those who have annual rail STs and station car park tickets would have to adjust to a casual basis which would have to work out depending if it was an all in proposition.
  11. We have a semi-casual working from home policy - I tend to do it for deliveries etc but some teams have a mandatory one day a week on a rota basis. Anyway our version of the Cobra committee have asked everyone to log on at 8pm tonight as a sort of stress test of the remote infrastructure. I reckon if there are no issues there'll be a general work from home order until this shit is over.
  12. I was being an arsehole - I've never said they didn't do any good. I still think tax credits became too much of an issue and I think the minimum wage is a good idea but also a double edged sword where its too easy for businesses to pay it with no thought of an actual living wage. I'd like to see more balancing of the economy than simple fiddling at the bottom end.
  13. Tax credits which are a substitute for real income rise?
  14. Seven classic words: "Oh my god, Cascarino has scored again".
  15. Sending off was crucial but at least we're making chances again - I trust Gayle to score on other days.
  16. She hasn't come across too badly to me but at the same time she committed two "strikes" - giving Corbyn 10/10 for leadership and saying she'd talk to the catholic church about abortion policy. I can see the two polar views of wanting someone Corbyn-like on one side and wanting anyone but that on the other.
  17. To be fair to her even if you thought him a complete failure in terms of improving the country, it still would be a good idea to ask his advice on how to win (beyond him saying drop any vaguely left wing policy).
  18. NJS

    HR Experts

    Straight to the top of the most likely to die from Covid 19 list (Soz)
  19. I don't know what the medical services are like on Guernsey where he probably has family (I'd presume decent as it's full of rich cunts) but that was my first thought as well.
  20. Reminds me of old school refresher chews.
  21. I,ve just seen a few swing state polls tbh - fully admit if I'm wrong.
  22. She lost all or nearly all of the swing states, take away CA and the popular vote margin wasn't that big. 8 months ahead of the election, with no real Trump attacks, no dem apart from Sanders beats trump in the polls.
  23. As Ewerk says, the demographics suggest youth everywhere embracing the left - only concern is being fucked over for a Biden will disengage them for a while. Starmer or whoever will have to try and ensure the same for the Corbyn cultists.
  24. Biden has nothing to offer beyond not being Trump. Even if Trump didn't have the corrupt son thing to attack him with I can't see anything to enthuse people to get out and vote.
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