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Everything posted by NJS

  1. Hopefully there'll be loads of stories emerging where people have faced infinitely worse situations and did abide by the rules. Also they actually tried to argue that a woman going to an empty house and someone who'd had the virus and recovered who had someone round for sex acted worse than what this cunt did.
  2. It was that fortnight really when there was talk of it and the PL stopped and businesses were making the call (as we did) when the buffoon was blustering about the inalienable right of an Englishman to go the pub. Maybe they had advice that the public would resist which turned out to be bollocks but its still the key decision in this. Along with the end of contact tracing and the care home thing obviously.
  3. Yes but you expect it to roam via clusters - but if it has burned out somewhere that could be a ray of hope.
  4. Out of stock on amazon and argos so had to pay a bit more on ebay - £47 Inc postage - remington one with nine attachments. Don't get it till start of next week so I'll let you know when I've botched it.
  5. Supposedly zero new cases in London - sounds too good to be true.
  6. I've just bought a home hair trimming kit out of desperation. Anyone who still has any hair used one? Normally get a number two back and sides but leave the top a bit longer but might go all the way if this works or indeed if I fuck it up.
  7. Every single cunting one of the cabinet send their kids to private schools, none of which are opening before september - why don't they just ask all of them whether they'd send their kids back in June?
  8. Mellon Collie is too indulgent and long with brief highlights whereas Siamese Dream is a musical masterpiece and very strong contender for the best album ever made.
  9. The problem with testing is that instead of using the offers coming in from university, research and local labs to help out under the control of PHE the tories outsourced them to a private company with one their fucking mates on the board and then didn't even insist that the results would be returned to the NHS as the private company want to sell the health data to america. Every question has the same answer - "because they're cunts".
  10. People sitting on cash are going to be laughing when all these prime locations become available.
  11. Just by second hand accounts I wouldn't trust self-administered home test results.
  12. Their readers - it's a classic trait.
  13. Problem is iPhones need the app in the foreground all the time so need nearby android phones to nudge them awake. I'm not a fan of Apple or Google but I think cooperating with their model given the urgency and pressure for it to work would have been better.
  14. Don't get me wrong I completely agree - I'm just saying the tory priority is getting more people back to work.
  15. Which is the driver rather than any shit about kids welfare.
  16. Missed this as I'd been to Sofia and the only way we could get an affordable flight was to go on the Thursday morning of the game and return on Sunday morning. Couple of lads were trying to rush for a flight up from Heathrow but it was far too thin a margin so we didn't bother. Bit of a pisser as it turned out but the Sofia trip was fucking brilliant.
  17. I've seen some fractious background action on teams where people are at home with partners.
  18. Aye, mentioning productivity, its not exactly going to go down when people don't have their kids there.
  19. It's a mixture. Everywhere I've worked in the city have had provision for home working but I always got the impression it was to encourage out of hours work more than anything else. I've always used it when the trains have been completely screwed or when I've had deliveries or dentists appointments. When we moved two years ago due to running out of space they decided to introduce activity based working which meant laptops instead of pcs so you could move around depending what you were doing. Pretty much a waste of time for someone like me who doesn't have many meetings. Anyway they deliberately made the building capacity 80% of staff numbers on the premise of more home working. Of course some bosses were more flexible than others and it wasn't appropriate for client facing roles. In the run up to the lockdown we were told to take our laptops home every night in preparation and as it happens I was in the middle of a weeks leave when they made the call. They had to ramp up the bandwidth but since then its been fine. In our head cheese updates we've been told that loads of banks were caught completely cold with no provision and have had to ramp up from scratch losing business because of it. There seems to be a desire for us to return eventually but I noticed in the last update the COO did mention "months" for the first time - I think reality has struck. As I've mentioned before there was a hint that even when we get back there's an appetite for a lot more home working as the cost savings are obscene and they've realised there isn't a huge difference in productivity if any. I think there'll be a huge realignment which will see only client facing roles and businesses being 100% office based. Fuck knows what that means for property development.
  20. I went to the co-op for my twice weekly shop this morning - bloke in front in the queue said to the assistant "at least we'll be back to normal soon". I just shook my head.
  21. The "problem" with the lockdown is that it's reduced the exposure which is of course its purpose. I always thought it was wishful thinking that millions were exposed to it in February /March. I suppose that's why the people who do have it are those who didn't lockdown plus the care homes.
  22. I was just thinking from a UAE/Saudi antipathy pov rather than anything related to football.
  23. If it's man City objecting, their last two owners should have failed any fit and proper test on moral grounds.
  24. They're trying to twist the evidence now to say he didn't lie. Get ready for round two, cunts.
  25. NJS

    Holidays 2024

    I still wouldn't book anything - even in the uk- might be back in full lockdown by then.
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