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Everything posted by CaliMag
Put your money on it - Liverpool will say they are interested and then with minutes to go to the deadline, say they can't afford it, thereby buggering up Newcastle and anyone else, while not spending a penny, hoping that Real will drop their price to half of what Newcastle offered out of desperation to sell. 18548[/snapback] We are the most desperate of the three clubs involved in this bizarre love triangle and are as a result the most vulnerable and the most predictable.
I think there will be chants and protests at the end of the ManUre match. There was a scattering after the WHam match - those numbers will grow. There were applause to the WHam supporters chants of "You're getting sacked in the morning" - those applause will grow as well.
I would rather flounder for ten years in the Prem than get relegated forcing FS out. This may sound silly on the face of it, but if we go down we may never come back up. I tend to agree with SBR - everyone thought Forest would come back, but they haven't. We are not that special and getting relegated could mess us up worse than another ten years of Shepperd.
Every cloud has a silver lining! Thats a third of my season ticket payed for in 2 shite games. Tenner on 3-0 to Man U on Sunday. 17676[/snapback] Congrats UM. You're going to lose the ManUre bet though. They are going to beat us by at least 4.
IF I was still in Newcastle I would join in the "Sack the Board" chants after the games. I have been a strong proponent of sacking Souness since January, but at this point I tend to agree with what .COM and other are saying on the message boards that there needs to be wholesale changes from the Board down. We are in clear danger of getting relegated and unlike 1999 we do NOT have an SBR type manager waiting in the wings - this scares the shit out of me. Sacking Souness and replacing him with George Graham or Terry Venebles or - god forbid - Glenn Roeder will not help us at all. Does anyone here honestly believe that SHearer can get us to avoid the drop? I don't. I am not sure what is to be done.
Its actually worse than that. Bolton did not play very well this evening. I would even say that they looked distincly average. Speed has his ups and downs and Davies was practically non-existant.
I actually agreed with the starting XI tonight. I thought playing Faye was the right decision... I was not very happy about the substitutions though. I have no idea why BOwyer was brought off - that really puzzles me. Was it because he thought Lee was going to get sent off? Because I would have thought Taylor was going to get that second yellow first. For those of you that missed it: That is as good as we are going to ever play. We did okay for the first 20 minutes in that we were bizarrely winning the ball and aerial battles. We were however an accident waiting to happen - and they happened. We are not a very good team and are a likely candidate for relegation.
Well I just got back and thought I should pen some of my first reactions... That is about as good as we are ever going to play with the same players and manager. Sorry its just the facts. Davies was practically anonimous and that kind of gift will not be offered when we face the red manc scum on the weekend. I originally predicted a 4-0 loss, but I am now tempted to say 5 or 6. Babayaro has improved. Shocking I know but the WHam game was much much worse for him - he gave the winger less space and did not try to sprint his way out of things. Shearer was just not making it happen. He should be benched for the ManU game... but the reality is we have no one to replace him. The othe roptions may give us more mobility but since Ameobi and Milner can't hold onto the ball I am not sure what the point would be. I can see benching SHearer to avoid him being humiliated on world wide telly and possibly to shield him from blame... but thats it. I have been on the fence about Ameobi for years but now I see that his first touch will never improve and the only way he is going to do a job for us is if we are relegated. I think with his skills he could help us earn promotion - but he should be replaced by someone better. We had four geordies on the pitch today playing for us (Taylor, Shearer, Clarkie, Ameobi) and it helped us not at all. Bowyer played his heart out and I have to say I saw lots of passion from Taylor and Clark as well - this is not enough for us to survive in the Prem and we need more changes. I have said this before and I will say it again - Taylor is a red card waiting to happen. I accept this and I would keep him in the team, but it will end in tears for him on more than one game this season. Carr needs replacing. His first touch is about as good as Ameobi. The only positive I can find from his game is that he is not afraid to run into space and try to move it up rather than hoof it. But it ends there. He does not get back fast enough and when he mis hit the ball out he balmed the linesman everytime. He also looks disparigingly at the other defenders when we concede partly because he was not getting back fast enough. Fair enough he headed one off the line tonight - but that was just him doing his job. Carr is slow and shows a lack of leadership. We will probably pick up a bit after the ManUre loss. My current feeling: Calm dispair.
BTW if there on any stateside based mags on here is being shown live on FoxSportsChannel. Off to an extra-long lunch break.
I did not even see the other replies while I was writting my last post. Pleased that Souness sees the need for Faye for this game... probably going on similar logic.
This has loss written all over it with goals from Davies and Speed to rub it in. I'd say 2-1 with sloppy possession on both sides. A possible consolation coming from the midfield (Bowyer?). Hope I am wrong. I am not even sure what I would do if I was manager. Bolton will do their usual physical approach which we will have no answer for. I am asking myself if starting Amdy Faye would be the right thing to do here? I think Faye is pretty decent in the air and will able to hold off the long/high balls that Bolton will present. I can see Speed having free reign otherwise. I cant see us scoring anything. I hope Baba does better than he did against WHam and tries not to rely on his pace to get him out of trouble... but then that's just me being wishful.
To be honest I had not thought of that nor had I thought to look for one.
Hey All: Back in the states. Sorry I missed the piss up and will hopefully be able to make it next season (or maybe much later this season). No one PM'd me - and I was cut off from using the internet since my gran got rid of her computer. The only access I had to this site was actually from my cousin's mobile phone - which had very limited abilities. I was however able to check my messages , but since no one PM'd me I blame all of you. In all seriousness I had not expected internet access to be so limited to me so I really don't blame anyone. I stayed with my grandmother who is in berevement since my gradfather died a few months ago and since he was the one that used the computer she got rid of it just before I showed up. She also lives on the outskirts of town in North Tynseside (Wideopen - which most of you have probably never even been to) so I was isolated. I ended up sitting in Leazes level 7 and spent the pre & post at the Duke with family and friends mostly orginating from the Forest Hall and Jesmond areas. I hope it was a good one anyway for all of you. It was nice being a Newcastle again for a couple of weeks and see all of the changes that have happened in the past few years (especially on the quayside - my god!). I was comforted that the Free Trade is still there in Byker - some things are sacred and should never change. Shame the WHam was so crap. We are doomed. C.
Sorry for starting th thread below (internet Cafe) Please PM me when you get a time and place.
Despite the drama I have also contacted Grassroots to see if he wanted to have a pre or post match piss up for forum members on NO. CatMag mentioned before and I would like to meet up with the posters if you are all up for it tomorrow. My Gran got rid of her computer so my access to this message has been limited. Someone please PM me tonight or tomorrow or give me a time and place or just post on this thread. If no one can be bothered that alright as well. Hope we win tomorrow and we are all in full voice. CaliMag
Seeing as I hope to be meeting up with some of you before the WHam game and you have no idea what I look like I should post a picture... the problem is I only have one photo of me at my work computer and it is not funny or NUFC related. I am sitting in a posed picture with a firend over breakfast. I leave tomorrow for Newcastle so if you see me stumbling around toon this weekend give me a shout. And Yeah, I am the bloke on the left.
Can't stand the stuff myself. I use soy milk for my tea and coffee. Makes my nose run as well.
Buy clothes at either Costco (there is one in Gateshead BTW) or an outlet and you can usually pick any Levis for under $25. I would never pay $45 for Levis ... though you can if you go to an expensive shop. Levis have lost a great deal of their street cred in the last 15 years or so. Here in Southern California its all about Lucky and Diesel jeans.
Q: Why can't women ever find men who are responsible, good looking, charming, sensitive and in-touch with their feelings? A: Because those men already have boyfriends.
I don't seem to have any funny pics or ones with me wearing a toon top on this computer... otherwise...
Was a geeky goth girl in high school.
This kid needs help... can't one of you mentor him or something?
My sister reckons he's bent and has "arrangements" with young up and coming actresses, which are designed to benefit their careers, and make him look straight. The way he went on on Oprah about Katie Holmes was embarassing - imagine you're one of his kids watching your dad behave like that on telly. 6779[/snapback] Yeah that whole thing was nonsense... but he is really just giving the red tops and talk shows what they want right? When I was in Uni a friend of mine was walking by the local Scientology center and told them he was gay just to see their reaction. It was very polite and friendly. They said "That is okay, but you know we can fix you!" We had a laugh about that - they probably thought we were a couple and she thought she was actually giving us a service like we would have wanted that if we were gay. They do wierd shit to help people get over smoking and drugs and I can't help but think that thier gay 'program' is the wierdest of the lot.
I know that the cult Scientology has a 'method' of fixing people who are gay... its been rumoured for years that Tom Cruise has benefitted form this program.
I live and work in the same town. As Gemmel will tell you its actually even more beautiful in real life.