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Everything posted by Bizza

  1. 1/4 place just about assured all we need is a point from the Ukraine and we are there.
  2. Thank fuck for that, don't need any bigger richer clubs taking notice of him.
  3. Andy Townsend clearly didn't expect to be on telly. Scruffy bastard
  4. Holland are dogshit, how the fuck did they get to a World Cup final?
  5. Twitter/Facebook campaigns to shut these fuckers up permanently: https://www.facebook...epTheBandBanned https://twitter.com/#!/BanEnglandBand The facebook page was set up yesterday and already has more likes than the bands own page!
  6. For anyone that hates the England band, their leaders twitter account is @HemaLeader Feel free to tell him how much you like his band!
  7. If this is the way the Russians carry on then the 2018 World Cup is going to be fun.
  8. Is it just more is there something weird going on with the sound on ITV tonight?
  9. What happened with Greece's keeper there?
  10. I Wondered why I enjoyed watching England more than usual last night! hope the fuckers stay banned or realize that no fucker likes them and just disband. It's sickening to think these atmosphere ruining cunts are all over then on a free jolly.
  11. Kim Kallstrom, former Champ Manager legend!
  12. Really? Wondered why I hadn't heard them
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