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Everything posted by Bizza

  1. FUCK OFF REF, play the advantage you stupid, stupid cunt.
  2. Fucks sake Gerrard you stupid cunt.
  3. FFS England. 1-0 down, quality strike mind.
  4. Barely managing a smile
  5. Fucking hell, Andy Murray take a fucking bow son. Legend.
  6. Fuck me, I think he might actually do it
  7. Fucks sake, he's going to lose and he's going to be the fucking Jimmy White of Tennis.
  8. 2 sets up, fucking come on!
  9. Aye, blew a 4-0 lead. 6-5 up now mind.
  10. GET FUCK IN! 1-0 Andy Gonna be a late one this, glad I don't have to be up in the morning.
  11. This is some game of tennis like, unbelievable.
  12. It's on Sky Sports 1. Murray not great so far.
  13. George Osbourne getting booed by 80,000 people!
  14. Chelsea getting a mullering in the Supercup, 4-0 now.
  15. You not watching the extra channels? Sky 450, 451 and 452. No ads on those
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