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Everything posted by Bizza

  1. Can't say Liverpool don't deserve to win it after that match, shame their fans are cunts mind.
  2. Another utterly joyless 90 mins, hope this lot remember how to play football before next season or we'll be joining the mackems in the championship.
  3. Anita FFS, even I could've nodded that one in. Absolute joke.
  4. Stonewall penalty, ref looking right at it ffs.
  5. Another 3+ goal loss to a bunch midtable cloggers. Exhilarating.
  6. 3-1, trap door hinges now being oiled up
  7. FFS Tottingham. WTF was that?
  8. Bloody hell, 25 is no age to be dying at. R.I.P
  9. 3-0, fuck this shit. Got better things to do this afternoon tham watch these spinless cunts do absolutley fuck all to earn their wages.
  10. Absolute bollocks, they should be deducted any points gained whilst he was playing and the points given to the other team. Just as Poyet demanded when it happend to him at Brighton http://www.thenorthernecho.co.uk/sport/8156298.Poyet_argues_decision/
  11. None of the above, would prefer one without a fucking dodgy loan shark's logo on it.
  12. So many empty seats before the final whistle, appalling behavior from the supporters of the North East top dogs
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