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Everything posted by Bizza

  1. Why does everyone keep picking on poor fucking Burton
  2. 2-0, Millwall all over the place
  3. You have my sympathies, honestly cannot stand those fucking knackers and their endless renditions of Rule Britannia and Great Escape.
  4. Cannot decide what is worse. The full kit, the shin pads or the fact he's fucked a perfectly good England shirt that probably would've fetched a few quid. Absolute mong
  5. Fucking hell, that would be enough to make me vote In if I wasn't already doing so.
  6. Minging but not the worst Puma kit we've had.
  7. Kane has been absolute garbage.
  8. Kane offside more often then Cisse.
  9. Can we please find some reason to confiscate the passports of that fucking band before the Euros.
  10. Comedy goalkeeping from Hart
  11. Good move by the F.A to show support for grassroots football by scheduling an England game on Non-League finals days.
  12. Get in, stick that in your pipe and smoke it Ronnie fucking Radford!
  13. Rooney the winning captain goes up last you pillock
  14. Get in, dance to that Pardew ya cunt!
  15. Celebrated that more than I've celebrated our goals recently
  16. That part of you can get to fuck.
  17. Fuck off Cabaye, French Rashford injuring mercenary cunt.
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