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Everything posted by Bizza

  1. If we lose this I'm blaming that fucking thread title. Change it man.
  2. Fuck off, fucking bent refs in this pisspot league. Where did 5 mins injury time come from? fucking robbed.
  3. https://mobile.twitter.com/NUFC/status/852438718304722944?s=09 Red numbers!
  4. You could say the same of the first 20 mins of Everton V Leicester
  5. Looks like someone emptied a bin all over the pitch, scruffy bastards.
  6. Another tinpot championship team acting like they've just won a cup final after beating us. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gw6Cu86Qn4M Those were the fucking days
  7. Jesus, fucking refs in this league man. Absolute joke.
  8. Not just you, it's absolutely terrible. Gets worse everytime I try to listen to game on the official site. God knows how they can fuck up a simple audio stream in 2017.
  9. Clearly completely forgot he was supposed to sign those orders, not the first time he's displayed signs of dementia.
  10. How is that trumpet so fucking loud?
  11. [tweet] [/tweet] Stay classy Barton
  12. The Whitehouse now exists to advertise his family's businesses now it seems.
  13. Grizzly bears in schools all over the US shitting themselves.
  14. So called judge, jesus wept.
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