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Everything posted by Bizza

  1. Get well soon bobby!
  2. Christ, Its not like Roeder is owt special. We could get someone better without having to go through all this shit
  3. Going to watch Darlington R.A play in the Craven Cup final.
  4. I hope someone farts in his airtank.
  5. Up Them, they like it not. </Yoda>
  6. Not the most suprising news ever tbh.
  7. Thanks dude, didn't think we'd make it at one point. got there in the end tho
  8. I will not buy this tobacconists, it is scratched.
  9. Beeb reporting it now, fucks sake. up until this morning i was looking forward to the WC.
  10. fucking hell it could be shola and crouch leading the line 129691[/snapback] *shudder*
  11. They say he limped back onto the coach, It can't be that bad or they would've taken him to the hospital just round the corner fom the ground.
  12. Bizza


    It was the biggest night in their clubs history and all they can think about is having a dig at us. Sad Boro Bastards.
  13. Can't see why he'd want ot risk his career in that shit hole.
  14. Bollocks. Used to be on BT, Switching to Tiscali seemed like such a good idea at the time
  15. Bizza


    Overcome by fumes TBH.
  16. Bizza


    Happy birthday!
  17. Bizza


    It better fucking not be
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