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Everything posted by Bizza

  1. Give him a kick in the bollocks for us.
  2. A fairly accurate rendition of me
  3. It's only a games console FFS, it's not like there's even any decent games on it yet.
  4. Full time, phew. Bollocks, Just realised I missed my 1000th post.
  5. http://www.100centuryfm.com - you have to sign up to use their player but I seem to remember it was pretty straightforward. Ta Fuck, they just killed it and put on some ABBA instead Sorry! I noticed
  6. http://www.100centuryfm.com - you have to sign up to use their player but I seem to remember it was pretty straightforward. Ta
  7. Mungo: They call me Mungo the Contradictory. Roman: Do they? Mungo: No. Fantastic show, only seen a couple of episodes like. And they were on an ancient VHS my dad taped donkeys ago. There was talk of it getting released on DVD last year but it seems to have died down now For those that don't know, it's a sit com set during the roman occupation of Britain.
  8. I won... Wait for it... £0.00
  9. Wor lasses grandad met him way back when, sometime in the 80s I think.
  10. Says something about how shite we've become if they think they can afford to rest players like Henry against us.
  11. Jesus, did Luque sleep with Roeders lass or something? Just play him FFS & get shola's Op done before his leg falls off.
  12. Bizza

    quick pc help

    It would probably be better if you talked to her about it rather than spying on her.
  13. Bizza

    Try this

    Seen this before, you have to remove the space between Java & script. It also works better on phpbb forums.
  14. 40cms Quick! get to high ground!
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