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Everything posted by Bizza

  1. Bizza

    Third Kit.

    Pointless, we'll never wear it.
  2. Me & the lass were at Bloodstock Open Air at the weekend, weather was a bit shit but the bands were ace.
  3. Bizza


    Fuck that! Aye, bollocks to that. Anyway, I'm off to nosh some pork chops in front of a group of muslims...
  4. If he was a horse they would've put him down long ago.
  5. Fucking mint! Good to see Morph back n'all, the place hasn't been the same without him.
  6. Total Recall, Terminator 2 & Predator. Cannit choose between them.
  7. http://www.chairsupermarket.co.uk
  8. Zip disks. EDIT : Just noticed Canofbeans beat me to that one. fuck!
  9. http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport1/hi/football/t...ted/6914303.stm
  10. Darlington Middlesbrough
  11. Not really a bad price considering other prices for players, got to be a better choice than Carr. A mannequin in a toon shirt would be a better choice than Carr tbh.
  12. Oh fuck off £17m and how many games have he had out of him?
  13. Order Picking in a dirty, noisy warehouse full of east europeans.
  14. About fucking time tbh.
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