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Park Life

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Everything posted by Park Life

  1. Some of his barbs show his heart is in the right place. I often feel like a traitor working for a bank given some of my anti-capitalist leanings - I've just agreed to work from home for 2 days next week to avoid the protests in the city but part of me would like to join them A new covenant must be made between the people and the Govt. The banking war is against countries (it used to be about assets). I would make a new financial entity that gave money directly to wealth makers and cut out the banks. We must have a new agreement and confidence in shared goals or it will be civil war (you can quote me on that).
  2. The final phase of market capitalism is socialism which is where we are heading now with public money bailing out private infrastructure. China is playing the endgame. Is it not true that China basically owns USA? They (the Chinese) have been buying up bonds/suraties or somesuch gobbledigook to the tune of $100 trillion + ?? Yes, China is going after America. America can't win it can only fight a war with China.
  3. I used to be on a buy-to-let forum called Housemouse in 2003, and there was always one guy (like parky) who predicted the credit crunch / doom and gloom. No bugger ever took him seriously and the forums recently closed, Poor bastard, just when he's finally proved right If China sells it $ reserves for € it will be a finality.
  4. As my mate at Dresdner bank said "Who cares, after all its not our money".
  5. Laptops cost about $ 60 to make in Malaysia and China and $ 50 in Vietnam.
  6. The final phase of market capitalism is socialism which is where we are heading now with public money bailing out private infrastructure. China is playing the endgame.
  7. A new covenant must be made between the people and the Govt.
  8. See I agree totally with this. Until it all started to get silly last Autumn, I didnt pass loads of houses up for sale due to repossession. I know a wide range of people from various backgrounds and wasnt aware of toxic debt. I wasnt even aware of job losses until after it went tits up. So who borrowed all the toxic debt????? Parky If it wasnt the average joe in Britain, then I see no reason why people wont carry on as before when credit frees up. I know people had lots of personal debt, but virtually everyone I know would class this as managable debt. Very confused on who has fucked up. Property prices and job losses in the US were the root cause - banks decided that asset backed securities raised on mortgages were "worthless" which caused a stampede of selling. People like Northern Rock had both deals based on this US stuff and had too many people on dodgy ground here. Again I'd argue the only good reason that property priced fall is confidence. Property has no value.
  9. See I agree totally with this. Until it all started to get silly last Autumn, I didnt pass loads of houses up for sale due to repossession. I know a wide range of people from various backgrounds and wasnt aware of toxic debt. I wasnt even aware of job losses until after it went tits up. So who borrowed all the toxic debt????? Parky If it wasnt the average joe in Britain, then I see no reason why people wont carry on as before when credit frees up. I know people had lots of personal debt, but virtually everyone I know would class this as managable debt. Very confused on who has fucked up. What you need to understand is that Capitalism survives by borrowing from the future. The future borrowed the money. Will that be Labours election slogan If I ran the Labour Party it would be in power forever.
  10. It doesn't work like that. The game doesn't just stop and then start fresh form 0. My understanding from every media source Ive ever heard on this issue is that is exactly whats happening. It stopped The toxic debt is been dumped Banks are re-financing It will start again They can re-finance all they like. It's over. I paid €4 for a loaf of bread the other day. The writing is on the wall.
  11. See I agree totally with this. Until it all started to get silly last Autumn, I didnt pass loads of houses up for sale due to repossession. I know a wide range of people from various backgrounds and wasnt aware of toxic debt. I wasnt even aware of job losses until after it went tits up. So who borrowed all the toxic debt????? Parky If it wasnt the average joe in Britain, then I see no reason why people wont carry on as before when credit frees up. I know people had lots of personal debt, but virtually everyone I know would class this as managable debt. Very confused on who has fucked up. What you need to understand is that Capitalism survives by borrowing from the future. The future borrowed the money.
  12. Politics is finished. Money is finished. History is finished.
  13. As I said before we (investment bank) would have made a profit last year but for LB and Iceland - I see no reason why we won't make a profit this year. Lehmann Brothers?
  14. It doesn't work like that. The game doesn't just stop and then start fresh form 0.
  15. The aliens have scheduled the Olympics for the mass landing. The Chinese will probably get the mass landing gold though. Seriously worried about 2012 though.... One of the best places to be and where I'll be is Norway.
  16. The banks are fucked. Killer dogs did it.
  17. The aliens have scheduled the Olympics for the mass landing.
  18. Shining shoes is a noble art Sir!!
  19. We haven't seen the worst yet. Financial houses are still hiding the worst bits for fear of meltdown. Bank a : "These bundled bad debts and bad investments can you take it off our hands for a fee? Bank b: "Sounds good. 10% fee of debt insurable and covered by us? Bank a: "Yes, yes whatever, just take this shit off our hands!!" Bank B: "I'll send over the agreement". Bank a: "Good". Bank B: (Immediately on the blower to bank C)..." Err.. Ellison Tarquin Farquart please".. Bank C: "Ellison speaking"... Bank B: "Ah Tarks baby I have a deal for you"... Bank C: " Let me guess you want to put that shit on our books in the UK and move it out of the U.S.? " Bank B: "Would be lovely". Bank C: "I'll take a percentage of your stocks in the morning as cover or we need 15%".. Bank B: Err...Take the stocks at a preferential rate? etc.... Finally calls are made to Bank K and Bank Z in the Caymens, Switzerland... The debt gets bigger as futher instruments are retrofitted to it but it only fleetingly appears on the books of any of the banks concerned. Started around 1998.
  20. Take the presidents meandering and overblown cancer storyline out and it would have been perfect. It really marred the pacing all those introspective scenes and her with wig/without wig/with glasses/without glasses....etc... That blonde Cylon.
  21. I've not seen Diner or Barfly, but he's supposed to be great in them. Good in Barfly.
  22. Even I'm struggling to find positives. Losing the two players who have been playing well could be the final blow.
  23. What disturbs me most is that quite honestly anyone that has played a football management game, once, ever.... should have a better idea of how to run a football club than the current muppets. You could almost see us being ran like a chav sports store if it were just Ashley in full control, but surely Wise has picked up something about football over the years? And surely at least one of Lambrusco or Ashley must have a child or niece/nephew that's once played a football management game and can advise them. Why does he sit in the cold with only a shirt? This I feel is the core of the malaise.
  24. In decreasing order of desirability. 1) Nowt 2) We're fully aware of the challenge ahead. When you're in the relegation places getting into April, it would be ridiculous to claim you're too good to go down. 3) I retire.
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