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Park Life

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Everything posted by Park Life

  1. Self loathing is a Jewish thing after all. Here he is again with the self loathing already Am I the only one who doesn't find Woody Allen's self absorption a hoot? I realise I'm probably out of step with the rest of the world. My soup is cold. I vant hot soup.
  2. Self loathing is a Jewish thing after all.
  3. I don't think he was in the demo, just on his way home from work. Irrespective of that it's the demonstrators arguing his case. Not saying the policeman was in the right because he clearly wasn't. To say he was just walking down the street as Rob suggests is bollocks though. He was being what I suppose you'd call 'mildly provocative'. What does it matter who's arguing his case? He was more or less a bystander who is now dead. It matters who is arguing his case in regard to the bit about demonstrators (or to be more specific - some of them) wanting it both ways. That's all. I think it's his family arguing the case now - is it not? I hope they get compensation as well. I was just going off the article. Not really the main issue anyway, more me taking issue with the fact the protestors behaved like pricks then wanted to be treated with kid gloves. Mainly because they're little Tarquins and Isabellas who only have to deal with the police when they're going through a rebellious gap year phase before trying to get a job with the banks they were chucking bricks at 18 months earlier. You know the type I think you're talking shit. Mr. Black, have you met Mr. Kettle? Love the way you apparently know the mix of demonstrators having never been on an anti-globalisation type demo. As I said talking shit. You're huffed because it's you in a nutshell though Not in a fucking Huff. <_<
  4. Slightly different occasion but every single one of the protestors who invaded Stansted a couple of months ago met Alex's definition to a tee. Good on them, at least they are doing something.
  5. I don't think he was in the demo, just on his way home from work. Irrespective of that it's the demonstrators arguing his case. Not saying the policeman was in the right because he clearly wasn't. To say he was just walking down the street as Rob suggests is bollocks though. He was being what I suppose you'd call 'mildly provocative'. What does it matter who's arguing his case? He was more or less a bystander who is now dead. It matters who is arguing his case in regard to the bit about demonstrators (or to be more specific - some of them) wanting it both ways. That's all. I think it's his family arguing the case now - is it not? I hope they get compensation as well. I was just going off the article. Not really the main issue anyway, more me taking issue with the fact the protestors behaved like pricks then wanted to be treated with kid gloves. Mainly because they're little Tarquins and Isabellas who only have to deal with the police when they're going through a rebellious gap year phase before trying to get a job with the banks they were chucking bricks at 18 months earlier. You know the type I think you're talking shit. Mr. Black, have you met Mr. Kettle? Love the way you apparently know the mix of demonstrators having never been on an anti-globalisation type demo. As I said talking shit.
  6. I don't think he was in the demo, just on his way home from work. Irrespective of that it's the demonstrators arguing his case. Not saying the policeman was in the right because he clearly wasn't. To say he was just walking down the street as Rob suggests is bollocks though. He was being what I suppose you'd call 'mildly provocative'. What does it matter who's arguing his case? He was more or less a bystander who is now dead. It matters who is arguing his case in regard to the bit about demonstrators (or to be more specific - some of them) wanting it both ways. That's all. I think it's his family arguing the case now - is it not? I hope they get compensation as well. I was just going off the article. Not really the main issue anyway, more me taking issue with the fact the protestors behaved like pricks then wanted to be treated with kid gloves. Mainly because they're little Tarquins and Isabellas who only have to deal with the police when they're going through a rebellious gap year phase before trying to get a job with the banks they were chucking bricks at 18 months earlier. You know the type I think you're talking shit.
  7. I don't think he was in the demo, just on his way home from work. Irrespective of that it's the demonstrators arguing his case. Not saying the policeman was in the right because he clearly wasn't. To say he was just walking down the street as Rob suggests is bollocks though. He was being what I suppose you'd call 'mildly provocative'. What does it matter who's arguing his case? He was more or less a bystander who is now dead. It matters who is arguing his case in regard to the bit about demonstrators (or to be more specific - some of them) wanting it both ways. That's all. I think it's his family arguing the case now - is it not? I hope they get compensation as well.
  8. Can you clarify what you mean by that, from a medical perspective? It sounds like nonsense. I was with a body guard in France a few weeks ago (ex-police) and he had one of those flip out (steel) battons and I asked him where they normally like to hit. He said the upper arm or the side of the thigh. He explained that the hit numbed the body down a whole side and people normally fell over immediately cause of this and that it puts a strain on the heart cause of the paralysis. Don't claim to be an expert just passing on what I've been told. I think you've been told a bunch of cobblers Parky, especially regarding the heart. It would certainly be a stressful situation, but that's about it. My guess is this blokes number was nearly up any way, he would have stood a better chance if he had suffered a heart attack somewhere with better medical access though. Oh I agree on that bit, looks like he was seriously unfit probably with a dodgy ticker.
  9. I don't think he was in the demo, just on his way home from work. Irrespective of that it's the demonstrators arguing his case. Not saying the policeman was in the right because he clearly wasn't. To say he was just walking down the street as Rob suggests is bollocks though. He was being what I suppose you'd call 'mildly provocative'. What does it matter who's arguing his case? He was more or less a bystander who is now dead.
  10. Can you clarify what you mean by that, from a medical perspective? It sounds like nonsense. I was with a body guard in France a few weeks ago (ex-police) and he had one of those flip out (steel) battons and I asked him where they normally like to hit. He said the upper arm or the side of the thigh. He explained that the hit numbed the body down a whole side and people normally fell over immediately cause of this and that it puts a strain on the heart cause of the paralysis. Don't claim to be an expert just passing on what I've been told.
  11. I don't think he was in the demo, just on his way home from work.
  12. Tragedy basically. Batton hits to the side of the body cause a lot more damage than people realise and can cause paralysis for a few mins on one side of the body, putting a great strain on the heart.
  13. they will once the oil is all gone well, the oil and the weapons of mass destruction, right... right? you watch too much CNN if it was only WMD's we'd have never gone in the first place (well Iraq anyway), as for Afghanistan it was a knee jerk reaction to Osama and the boys.....sort of like Clinton blowing up the pharmaceutical factory in Kenya or Tansania or where-ever. my point is that exporting democracy (or at the very least the freedom to choose your legislative body) is one thing but to export western ideals is quite another. (again I DO NOT support the proposed law, i DO support the right to make up their own minds about it) Please, try and get real, before I have to take you in hand.
  14. Import the same value of drugs back? Value or quality? Good point.
  15. Park Life


    Immediately after he's got the straight-jacket off I would imagine. Nose typer?
  16. Park Life


    When will the gloves come off ffs!!
  17. Import the same value of drugs back? See, it would work! Another world problem solved.
  18. Import the same value of drugs back?
  19. He'd make a killing. Booya!!
  20. I'm sure he'd be happy as long as it was an expensive hangin.
  21. Yes, that thread in particular is a needle in a haystack, the rest are mind numbingly poor, no filth in them or nowt.
  22. I like the sound of yer dad.
  23. damning evidence to be sure Hang him.
  24. The club don't give a fuck if a player wants out, they'll stick to getting the fee they want regardless, just look at the Milner situation. Not that I'm saying that's a bad thing. You'd think they'd have got more though, the only reason his fee to Man C could be deemed vaguely reasonable (for us) would be if he threw a strop and basically said sell me to them or I won't play (or something*). *insert rention of your choice here
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