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Park Life

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Everything posted by Park Life

  1. YOu sound like a good woman. Thanks Parky I do my best! Thiing is, Hubby and son work hard but just occassionally it pisses me off no end that I work too yet do all the cooking, cleaning, washing, infact everything at home... but its just easier and quicker to do it myself! I like the place tidy so I do it. It's hardwired sweetie. Man are shit at day to day stuff, but build things that go to the moon.
  2. Zoggy was the backup left back innit.
  3. YOu sound like a good woman.
  4. Who'd have guessed. That turned out to be bollocks.... http://www.hispanicbusiness.com/news/2009/..._to_fork_in.htm Wahey! Another deadline. What happened to all that let the markets decide bollocks?!
  5. Love the way the sheep started walking out as soon as he criticised Israel. Go Dinnerjacket Go!!
  6. No shit. Here's the real question- what the fuck was the point? I don't care if you're talking white/ black, jew/ arab, or whatever. People will always find reasons to hate one another. And if they can't find any reasons lying about, they'll make new ones. Honestly, aside from trying to give all the participants a case of the warm fuzzies, what the fuck is the point of having a conference on racism? Did it help people heal? Did it build new bridges? Fucking waste of time. There's nothing that can be said or done in some conference to suddenly make Ahmadinejad not hate Jews. It'd be like inviting me to a conference on why L.A. Kings fans should get along with Anaheim Ducks fans. Or Geordies and Mackems. Or Red Sox and Yankees. I realize I'm trivializing in the name of making an analogy, but it's true really- nothing can be said, no evidence presented that can change the way he and some other people feel, so why waste people's time? Why give him yet another podium to spew hate from? Why give Israel another excuse to say, "See! They do hate us!", and bomb the shit out of somebody else. Strange thing is at the last one in South Africa again there was a poor turnout. I for one think that it should be an open and frank forum and it should be taken seriously by all. Of course if it was a debate about MEP's pay rises or summat they'd all be there and marathon taling sessions into the night would occur.
  7. Not so, I found the gulf in class yesterday almost embarrassing. That might sound like a wind up but I actually felt quite sorry for you. You were better, there was no 'gulf' in class, thats just pejorative nonsense. Once Martins and Viduka were on, it was an even contest. Word.
  8. Sensible Jews (anti-Zionist) attacked by nutter Jew.
  9. Diplomats have walked out of a speech by the Iranian president at a UN anti-racism conference after he described Israel as a "racist government". Two protesters, wearing coloured wigs, briefly disrupted the beginning of the speech by Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad but he continued speaking. Shortly afterwards a stream of Western delegates walked out when he attacked the creation of the state of Israel. Some of those who stayed clapped as Mr Ahmadinejad continued his speech. The walk-out is a public relations disaster for the United Nations, which had hoped the conference would be a shining example of what the UN is good at - uniting to combat injustice in the world, says the BBC's Imogen Foulkes in Geneva. UN dismay The walk-out happened within minutes of the speech starting on Monday. Moments earlier security guards escorted two protesters from the conference hall after one threw an object at the Iranian president and they yelled "racist, racist" as he stood at the podium. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad continued his speech and was applauded by many Mr Ahmadinejad, the only major leader to attend the conference, said Jewish migrants from Europe and the United States had been sent to the Middle East "in order to establish a racist government in the occupied Palestine".
  10. Word. This would be an excellent compromise.
  11. Thread locked on N.O. http://www.newcastle-online.org/nufcforum/...board,14.0.html U.N.tastic The Championship?
  12. Jaw dropping political analysis from Danny Bee. If you can't apreciate the irony of what they are doing at an anti r@cism conference, then you are more daft than I gave you credit for. Explain. They are just using it as a platform to abuse another race. If this world is going to move forward, all sides need to have continuous open and frank debate. Throwing toys out of the pram even before the debate starts is short sighted and imo unproductive. If people are talking shit then by all means turn up and show them up for it. Not going comes across as defensive. I've found there's no reasoning with some people (from personal experience ). I guess there is a danger you will legitimise their views. Begs the question, who decides what the legitimate views are?
  13. Jaw dropping political analysis from Danny Bee. If you can't apreciate the irony of what they are doing at an anti r@cism conference, then you are more daft than I gave you credit for. Explain. They are just using it as a platform to abuse another race. If this world is going to move forward, all sides need to have continuous open and frank debate. Throwing toys out of the pram even before the debate starts is short sighted and imo unproductive. If people are talking shit then by all means turn up and show them up for it. Not going comes across as defensive.
  14. Fight of flight is encoded I'd imagine. As for difference, I think that is culturally determined. Plants and insects use colour to discriminate in their behaviour and we come from them. But they don't look at the stars and wonder.
  15. Park Life


    12 and a half actually inches?!!
  16. Better communicator as well.
  17. Fight of flight is encoded I'd imagine. As for difference, I think that is culturally determined.
  18. Agreed Advance notice of his speech? Pop it over mate.
  19. Jaw dropping political analysis from Danny Bee. If you can't apreciate the irony of what they are doing at an anti r@cism conference, then you are more daft than I gave you credit for. Explain.
  20. Renty's argument buddy? Renton hates me you idiot. Right you're gone. I don't hate you Stevie. Fwiw I think you're one of the most entertaining posters on here, and one of the bet posters regarding football. I don't think you're racist either, even if I do think you come up with some suspect posts. I'll go one further. Stevie along with Alex are the best football posters. no fucking hope. Alex
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