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Park Life

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Everything posted by Park Life

  1. I'm saying I don't see the relevance of gender Fop. I haven't made any other comments on this thread. I'll tell you what though, I'll not take offence at your previous absurd post on the grounds that yet again you are showing yourself to be a mental defective. This in a nutshell. It's his palpable need to get the other person to 'admit he's right' that screams lunatic. There's something seriously off about that, like. Shopping centre stuff tbh. Street honed.
  2. Are you one of the people involved in making that 100% chemical egg? Herbalism is just basically primitive pharmacology in all honesty. What I find ironic is the belief that it is somehow safer because 'it's natural'. The reverse is actually true because it has been subjected to virtually no research (no post marketing survellance for instance) and there are huge quality control issues. Herbalism will never be used to treat any real, serious disease safely or effectively. Tell that to all those really healthy African tribes in the rainforest. Gump.
  3. so why can we see one cop in the video telling the other cop not to use the stun gun??? he even knew it was wrong... the use of the stun gun in the manner that fop is talking about is called excessive force and torture... but the police are not policed... Fop is right, it is torture. Leagalised torture.
  4. He wouldn't have been running around quite so mindlessly if he had been playing for Man U in a Cup Final imo.
  5. clueless that's exactly the point - the police had bugger all in the way of evidence or clues.............. TWO juries wouldn't convict man........................ no, this constant anti west rubbish from you..........is clueless You're not a muslim are you ?
  6. I'm aticipating that argument - I've already been told there'll be no promotions/pay increases this year. In fairness that will be the case in a lot of places, especially if deflation does generally set in. All my investments are fucked and my house in England has gone down by 15% in value. If I was an American I'd be letting loose 3 clips in a McDonalds. That's sooooooooo last week. The new oh-my-God-I-fucked-up-but-I'm-going-to-take-it-out-on-everyone-else move over here is shooting your family, possibly a few neighbors, then yourself. Gutless fucks. Whatever happened to just jumping off a building or something? Christ if Black Monday happened today I'd have to wear kevlar to work. Little tip...Never shoot yersel let the cops do it.
  7. Germans are saying the Mexicans didn't know what they were doing and actually no one need die from it.
  8. Read "Almost like a Whale'. Cheers. Just wondering, aren't we looking at hiv the wrong way? For instance why not introduce a 'mimic' that the virus love to bind to? Another trifling issue resolved on the pages of Toontastic! Shirley this has already been tried? Either because: A) Parky's a genius and the entire academic world of virologists, microbiologists, molecular biologists etc are stupid. Or B ) It's a conspiracy. Or C) It displays a complete lack of understanding of how viruses spread and is not possible. Hmmmm
  9. Read "Almost like a Whale'. Cheers. Just wondering, aren't we looking at hiv the wrong way? For instance why not introduce a 'mimic' that the virus love to bind to? Another trifling issue resolved on the pages of Toontastic! Shirley this has already been tried? Sitting under an apple tree gets one nowhere fast.
  10. Were you out on Monday night btw? Been in London over the weekend, travelled back to Paris on sunday night. Stayed in on monday night, then got up really early on tueday for an 8am meeting start. Did fuck loads of ching on the friday and saturday which may mor may not be relevant It will do that to you sometimes.
  11. Lush ! Cinnamon Latte is gorgeous too. *Rushes off to make another coffee*
  12. Read "Almost like a Whale'. Cheers. Just wondering, aren't we looking at hiv the wrong way? For instance why not introduce a 'mimic' that the virus love to bind to?
  13. Chex, Would you say retroviruses display a kind of intelligence?
  14. Too much afterclass jiggy?
  15. Tbf taking a 2 yr old to mensa is weird behaviour if you think about it.
  16. Iced coffee with vanilla ice float cream ftw.
  17. That's the one I'm using. Blatantly ran out of milk and was searching the cupboard... It's the way genius works baby!
  18. That's the one I'm using.
  19. Don't need sucre now you see.
  20. Innards creamed me thinks. Like a thick white concentrate, hard to pour and must be stirred in with vigour. Very tasty. Coffee without it is a thing of the past.
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