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Park Life

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Everything posted by Park Life

  1. It is a fear that haunts us all between the darkness and the light.
  2. I must deliver the message. Parkster, would it be unreasonable for me to 'suggest' that The Eagles were a better group i.e. songs alone, than The Stones Roses? I'm 100% of the view that the Eagles kill the Roses right now. I know they are two entirely different groups.......and I am not joking. I'm not in a fit state to lay a ruling on this right now, but I shall give it some thought.
  3. Killing is the discouters way to heaven. 'I found out a long time ago.....what a woman can do to your soul'. Learn from that boy Parky...... The Eagles.....they know.... Sweet. Yeah? Your back on side you sexy beast. I love you (and you know it)....no fcking messing....... It's one of those givens in life, like when you talk to someone (after 11 pints) who cuts trees for a living in a big dark forest and you have so much respect for him you want to go out first light and buy a jacket like his. But if you have real bollocks, you will get up 'first light', skin the cunt and wear his skin, not settle for second best like wear his 'jacket'. Keep up man chap. You are good but have slipped lately.....not sure you have learned from the master. I love the bit in those Dracula films where someone asks the way to "the castle" and the innkeeper drops his plates. Pipe down and I will teach you summat.
  4. Killing is the discouters way to heaven. 'I found out a long time ago.....what a woman can do to your soul'. Learn from that boy Parky...... The Eagles.....they know.... Sweet. Yeah? Your back on side you sexy beast. I love you (and you know it)....no fcking messing....... It's one of those givens in life, like when you talk to someone (after 11 pints) who cuts trees for a living in a big dark forest and you have so much respect for him you want to go out first light and buy a jacket like his.
  5. I'm in the same camp. I am much more worried by the thought of losing Shearer than going down. I'm assuming that losing Shearer means the return of JFK and the extinguishing of any hope for the next few years The one good thing that could possibly come out of that would be the last few lunatics there are in this world who believe that Ashley has the best interests of the club at heart must finally realise the truth. There this fuckin speccy four-eyed season ticket holding cunt who, I engaged in converstaion with about the toon qt work earlier this week. Basically the lads a diamond, late 40s, good chap. Told him I thought Ashley was a fuckin dick (using recent events as evidence) and he told me I was a 'fcukin mug', that 'Ashley will get it right'. Fuckin cock-eyed prick made me want to fuckin chin him there and then........he's pro-Ashley.....and for that...you gotta have a screw loose....I mean, what the fuck do people who think Ashley is good for NUFC, see that we do not? I must be missing something (and I am a fckin brainy bastard, make no mistake about that)? JJ you've clearly gone gay. The golden rule is hit first (after the mandatory 7 pints) think laters. Isn't it? You gay fuck!! Listen you fuckin queer self-adopted German queer fuck, you know the score. You know I'm right. Your typing shit on this forum and I bet your wife is geting fucked by that Serb/Croat or whatever he is right now. My wife? At least I know she's cleaning mopping her own blood up from the floor where she tok a clean left from me. Yeah, the fucker dared to ask me this, 'you came home at 9.25 a.m. this morning, you watch the boxing I take it? Who won and how was the fight won?' My response? This....'Manny Paqu........' then I fuckin threw a solid punch into her jaw. Why would I want mince and dumplings for tea when the weather has been semi-warm? As the mist clears from the lake, you are often the only grain of sanity in Chrisendom.
  6. Killing is the discouters way to heaven. 'I found out a long time ago.....what a woman can do to your soul'. Learn from that boy Parky...... The Eagles.....they know.... Sweet.
  7. I'm in the same camp. I am much more worried by the thought of losing Shearer than going down. I'm assuming that losing Shearer means the return of JFK and the extinguishing of any hope for the next few years The one good thing that could possibly come out of that would be the last few lunatics there are in this world who believe that Ashley has the best interests of the club at heart must finally realise the truth. There this fuckin speccy four-eyed season ticket holding cunt who, I engaged in converstaion with about the toon qt work earlier this week. Basically the lads a diamond, late 40s, good chap. Told him I thought Ashley was a fuckin dick (using recent events as evidence) and he told me I was a 'fcukin mug', that 'Ashley will get it right'. Fuckin cock-eyed prick made me want to fuckin chin him there and then........he's pro-Ashley.....and for that...you gotta have a screw loose....I mean, what the fuck do people who think Ashley is good for NUFC, see that we do not? I must be missing something (and I am a fckin brainy bastard, make no mistake about that)? Im a thick fook so maybe thats why I look at this season and cant see a single thing that makes me hopeful for the future. I do still fimrly believe that the whole Administration thing will kick in if we go down. Chin up mate.
  8. Killing is the discouters way to heaven.
  9. I'm in the same camp. I am much more worried by the thought of losing Shearer than going down. I'm assuming that losing Shearer means the return of JFK and the extinguishing of any hope for the next few years The one good thing that could possibly come out of that would be the last few lunatics there are in this world who believe that Ashley has the best interests of the club at heart must finally realise the truth. There this fuckin speccy four-eyed season ticket holding cunt who, I engaged in converstaion with about the toon qt work earlier this week. Basically the lads a diamond, late 40s, good chap. Told him I thought Ashley was a fuckin dick (using recent events as evidence) and he told me I was a 'fcukin mug', that 'Ashley will get it right'. Fuckin cock-eyed prick made me want to fuckin chin him there and then........he's pro-Ashley.....and for that...you gotta have a screw loose....I mean, what the fuck do people who think Ashley is good for NUFC, see that we do not? I must be missing something (and I am a fckin brainy bastard, make no mistake about that)? JJ you've clearly gone gay. The golden rule is hit first (after the mandatory 7 pints) think laters. Isn't it? You gay fuck!!
  10. We wouldn't have been relegated under fatty. Would that make everything alright? That's called projection. [psych/].
  11. Total cuntoid. Kill him now.
  12. Jimbo, Up the fekkin prozac lad.
  13. I'm not talking out of drink here, and I must stress I'm not a partcularly hard cunt, but I'm going to send him a letter offering him on for a square go. It would be a fair fight, he's 6ft2, and I'm 6ft2, he's broad, am broad, I honestly want to have at least a sit down with him, to tell him what a fuckin total jock cunt he really is. Nobody on telly winds me up more, and no one can tell me he isn't loving our current predicament. His voice gives me Timothy McVeigh like thoughts when he's talking about us. Cunts. I'm not fuckin bothered I won £300 this weekend at the races and on football so fuck them they're not bringing me down, everything about it was predictable, from the home decision ref, to contencious decisions going against, to meekly surrendering once the first went in, to the wanks in the toon crowd singing shoes off, to the MURDERERS singin goin down, goin down. Not a a fair fight Stevie. Your're mad enough to kick the pies out of him.
  14. We wouldn't have been relegated under fatty.
  15. So all the other 1000 or so peaceful drinkers were idiots. Thanks for the heads up. Seriously man the police almost started the trouble with their behaviour. Water cannon ffs! It's what happens there every May 1st though. They didn't water cannon last year tbf.... The problem is that the Rota flora has been bought by a millionaire who has left it as is...This is what is winding up the authorities, cause they were quite keen to seize it. The problem is that there are loads of dickheads on both sides. Police isn't really helping themselves with their tactics and antics (in Berlin as well), but among the anarchists are loads of absolutely idiots whose idea of anti-capitalism protest is to gain the right to loot and destroy shops (as happened in previous years). The huge police presence isn't because there has been everything peaceful in the past. Fair post.
  16. Everyone started laughing so I didn't take it seriously...Using WC on bystanders in 2009 is a joke!! The sun umbrellas were flying around and someone could have got seriously hurt for no reason other than standing outside a bar having a beer. I was only kidding De riddim is king innit.
  17. Everyone started laughing so I didn't take it seriously...Using WC on bystanders in 2009 is a joke!! The sun umbrellas were flying around and someone could have got seriously hurt for no reason other than standing outside a bar having a beer.
  18. So all the other 1000 or so peaceful drinkers were idiots. Thanks for the heads up. Seriously man the police almost started the trouble with their behaviour. Water cannon ffs! It's what happens there every May 1st though. They didn't water cannon last year tbf.... The problem is that the Rota flora has been bought by a millionaire who has left it as is...This is what is winding up the authorities, cause they were quite keen to seize it.
  19. Wireless taser nets are the future. Some 19 yr old was sitting in the bar a bit later, proper drenched and shaking. It fucking hurts that jet. Really didn't see the need to water cannon a whole road for the sake of 30 or so nutters. Fire water at a high enough pressure and it'll cut through steel. But some of the things they are looking at for "crowd control" are disturbing. The sound thing and the microwave thing?
  20. Wireless taser nets are the future. Some 19 yr old was sitting in the bar a bit later, proper drenched and shaking. It fucking hurts that jet. Really didn't see the need to water cannon a whole road for the sake of 30 or so nutters.
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