You make a lot of noise about how you're not racist, but then you come out with absolute reeking shite like this and it makes it impossible to take whatever you say seriously. 'Barbaric cultures' You're still stuck in the age of the British Empire, Stevie.
Nobody is saying (except for some extremists who are as loopy as their Western counterparts) that Britain should be 'dominated by Muslims' or 'have Muslim values.' This article is not saying that. But you have to come to terms with the fact that a major section of the UK's population is now Muslim and that is not going to change. Far from it - Islam is only going to grow in the UK and the rest of Europe. Nobody is going to kick the 'foreigners' (many of whom are native-born British citizens) out. They're not going to leave. They're here to stay. And they are British, despite what misgivings you may have about that. And now there are two choices - British society can integrate the new culture, as so many countries across the world have integrated new influences in their own societies; or Britain can, like the body rejecting a transplanted organ as 'foreign,' reject it. History has shown irrevocably that the second option never works and it will not work in this case either. The United States is trying it with the Mexicans, and they will fail miserably, but not before decades of strife. It can and should be avoided.
You blithely say 'fuck what they (a large and rapidly growing segment of Britain) think of us,' and that the cultures 'will never be aligned.' But consider how you would feel about London lawmakers deciding "fuck what the northerners think of us, this country will never be dominated by them. Our cultures can't be aligned." You'd complain about southern bias but you're happy with anglo-saxon bias, and that's just an example of a juvenile 'me and my brother against our neighbor, me and my neighbor against our street, me and our street against our town' mentality that has no place in modern society. British society can benefit from Islamic society - not by accepting Sharia law, FGM, and extremism (which are practiced only by fringe elements in the Muslim world as it is), but by integrating positive values such as a focus on family structure, strong work ethic, and significantly better food. ( )
Unfortunately, it is impossible for a people to feel at home in a society they feel is actively in opposition to their values, and that's where the 'foreign policy' reference made in the article comes in. When British Muslims read about Enoch Powell, listen to the BNP, hear speeches denouncing Islam as a culture of violence, and when they watch their representatives vote in support of an illegal invasion based on fabricated evidence whose true purpose was not to defeat the spectre of Islamism, but as a function of United States self-aggrandizement, I think you can see why it is difficult for them to believe that they can ever be considered a true part of British culture. Most 'home-grown terrorists,' I believe, are people who were not brought up in the tradition of radicalism, but who become disillusioned with their lives on their own, and turn to radicalism as an answer. The fact that these events also coincide with the unfortunate rise of political Islam's star in the Muslim world mean they have a ready-made 'answer.' And as such, Omaar is arguing not that Britain must somehow pander to those terrorists and 'Islamify' Britain, but that as a whole, British society can (and should) make more of an effort to integrate its Muslim contingent and to prevent them from ever having to ask the questions that lead to the answer of Islamism. And, according to him, improving Britain's image abroad is one of the ways this can be done.
Rant over.
Take a leaf out of Mi6's book.