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Park Life

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Everything posted by Park Life

  1. How to cull, that is the question?
  2. Love the way Fop has turned a thread about Israeli genocide into bickering about the Iranian elections.
  3. We have a fair chance of getting back up within 2 years if someone who isn't fat and mad takes over.
  4. You need the antonym of that question.
  5. AVG has been doing a decent job for me for a couple of years now.
  6. The universe is blind; it is light - held and blind. Aurora now knew this; it was a blind light, not all seeing, just all flooding. If there was a beginning in that flash, its burst was a crying out…. but with it came no word only the dark spurting electricity that would make everything.
  7. Beer, Vodka, Coke, fags, grass (green), fresh blondes, cinema, the moment the light hits the water, eyes across a room, old Moby, Finland.
  8. All the Ronaldo money will be sucked into Man U's interest payments.
  9. That can happen if you meet them once, sneaky fuckers.
  10. The only Americans I've met and liked are the ones from Texas. Strange. No nonsense, honest and up for it.
  11. He's got me convinced. ....or do you mean Parky? Blatently means Obama.
  12. Basically the couple of times I went on there I got bored of kicking the shit out of what seemed like 14yr olds.
  13. They're all desperate cunts my age to 50, with the odd mackem wank thrown in, they're mouthy as fuck on there, they all meet up for a beer and are meek as fuck by several accounts. They won't let me register. Wonder if they remember me from the last time my alter-ego ran amock on there..... Looking at the number of mistakes Parky always does when he uses foreign words I think he is responsible for the famous boycoutt-banner [/Clouseau]
  14. They are overeaching and beginning to fail. Ultimately China will do for America and its ability to project military and economic power and in turn Israel will be left without its major benefactor. That day will come in our time. Look forward to it.
  15. thats a VERY sweeping statement. most yanks i've met are actually quite polite and intelligent. maybe i've just met the nice ones... Even the polite and intelligent ones can be pretty stupid. We were walking back from a restaurant along the rue de Rivoli the other week with a very very senior colleague from NY. "Oh look" he exclaimed, pointing at the cobbled street, "they've made it look old". I excused him on accout of his boffin-ness. I'm dealing with an American at the moment, not sure why he needs to talk so loudly on the phone.
  16. They're all desperate cunts my age to 50, with the odd mackem wank thrown in, they're mouthy as fuck on there, they all meet up for a beer and are meek as fuck by several accounts. They won't let me register. Wonder if they remember me from the last time my alter-ego ran amock on there.....
  17. I think we could realistically sell him for 2 million. However we should insist on paying the transfer fee in instalments.
  18. You'd hate it, every form of racism you can imagine goes unchecked, I've seen p's are animals, n's are monkeys, m's should all be nuked, Craig would put a liable case against anyone saying that on here. There's about 3 good posters, Elswick Mag is one of them. Christ!
  19. Most of them are as it goes. I tend to find obscure docs on google video and start to believe whatever nonsense they are peddling. Passes the time.
  20. She probably would have got away with that. Texas innit.
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