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Park Life

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Everything posted by Park Life

  1. For me it's purely an emotional thing..No logic,no flim flam, just the sheer beauty of the man.
  2. I hope they don't fuck about and release a chunky 2 1/2 hr version.
  3. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/entertainment/8116494.stm Not content with Aliens, Terminator and Terminator 2 (and to a lesser extent The Abyss and Xenogenesis), seems he could be about to do it again. Best Sci-Fi director ever? Yes. Aliens, T1 and T2 along with the monumental Abyss were all benchmark movies for me. Although Ridley Scott's 'Alien" is still the best of that franchise imo.
  4. The place would be like a soup kitchen, with assorted bums, tramps, winos and pikeys turning up for their free scran. And Parky. "Today's reading comes from Paul's letter to the Corinthians" From the back "Hoy fuck that shit. Where's the beer and sarnies you promised ya nonce?!" Happy Sundays everybody Blessed are the meek and the needy for they shall inherit the earth, especially if that includes free beer. Some of them are very good at chess. There's needy and then there's smelling of piss. And that's just the parishioners.
  5. The place would be like a soup kitchen, with assorted bums, tramps, winos and pikeys turning up for their free scran. And Parky. "Today's reading comes from Paul's letter to the Corinthians" From the back "Hoy fuck that shit. Where's the beer and sarnies you promised ya nonce?!" Happy Sundays everybody Blessed are the meek and the needy for they shall inherit the earth, especially if that includes free beer. Some of them are very good at chess.
  6. FYP Be hilarious if they pay good English dollars for him though! It'll go straight into the save the whale fund. Where's a Japanese "scientist" when you need them? Well there is talk of a new midfielder.
  7. FYP Be hilarious if they pay good English dollars for him though! It'll go straight into the save the whale fund.
  8. Gave up what? Fop is immune to choking out since the kevlar windpipe upgrade. Love the way Alex is trying to change sides this morning. No, I thought Fop was right on the issue yet HF didn't contradict himself yesterday. Nice try though. I suppose my thoughts on the issue are a mystery to you. Must try harder.
  9. America acting rationally will take a lot of power away from the radicals.
  10. Israel's defence ministry has proposed legalising 60 existing homes at a Jewish settlement in the occupied West Bank, and building another 240 homes at the site, despite US calls for a halt to settlement growth. Construction at the outpost, known as Water Reservoir Hill, near the Talmon settlement, north of Ramallah, would "greatly damage" the freedom of movement of Palestinian farmers in the area, according to Bimkom, an Israeli planning rights group. It said the construction plan was put forward for public inspection shortly after the Israeli government was formed this spring and was first approved by Ehud Barak, the defence minister. It was now awaiting final approval. But Bimkom added: "In virtually all cases, plans deposited for Israeli settlements were subsequently approved." The Israeli government insisted the homes were part of old proposals. "These houses have been completed, and there has been no approval given for new houses," one official said. The plan, which follows a pattern over many years of settlement growth, appears to challenge directly Barack Obama's administration, which has issued several clear calls for an end to the practice. So far, Israel has resisted Washington's pressure for a halt to construction in settlements and the issue is fast becoming a test of wills between the two governments. In an interview yesterday Benjamin Netanyahu, the Israeli prime minister, said arguing about settlement activity was a waste of time. Last week, the US secretary of state, Hillary Clinton, told Israel's foreign minister, Avigdor Lieberman, that Washington wanted "to see a stop to the settlements". Go on affable and free thinking black man do summat!!
  11. Communion wine??!!! I want cases of beer laid on Sun lunchtimes....It's the way I like to commune with God.
  12. Gave up what? Fop is immune to choking out since the kevlar windpipe upgrade. Love the way Alex is trying to change sides this morning. He was always going to in the end "right" vs."an argument" = he just can't resist an argument in the end (especially when he is hot and grumpy). He hates it when I side with you.
  13. Gave up what? Fop is immune to choking out since the kevlar windpipe upgrade. Love the way Alex is trying to change sides this morning.
  14. I don't really believe Alan has been talking to the players btw.
  15. Not until we were bound, gagged, choke holded and kept for 4 days. Self-gagged tbh, as soon as he asked to supply quotes. Obvious to all, including yourselves I suspect. Continue with the 'Lalala! I can't hear you stuff' if it makes you feel better by all means though We've already done him under the new ParkFopla pre-crime legislation innit. We read his mind we send him down. "We"? You've not made a worthwhile contribution to this thread man TBF it's Fops speciality. As I intimated here... Dear Sir, Our records show that this matter is now being dealt with by Fop Farquar Foppstein. However the department will be happy to assist you in any further queries you may have. Good day, Parky Head of the Nicos arrainment. U.N. Somewhere in a Belgian bar.
  16. He's probably asked an extra mill for the coffee machine. To be fair if Nolan was worth £4.5 mil then the coffee machine must be worth about a mil too then.
  17. Not until we were bound, gagged, choke holded and kept for 4 days. Self-gagged tbh, as soon as he asked to supply quotes. Obvious to all, including yourselves I suspect. Continue with the 'Lalala! I can't hear you stuff' if it makes you feel better by all means though We've already done him under the new ParkFopla pre-crime legislation innit. We read his mind we send him down.
  18. He's probably asked an extra mill for the coffee machine.
  19. Not until we were bound, gagged, choke holded and kept for 4 days.
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