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Park Life

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Everything posted by Park Life

  1. Seriously everyone has had to endure his shrill bickering and what not for the last week. I was considering gong downstairs meself the other night.
  2. Park Life


    The cocky Ghanian who's been trolling St George square has just had the shit kicked out of him by a couple of drunks who I guess just had enough of his high pitched Fracoise patois posturing....
  3. No coffee this morning? Two already. Have some more. It'll protect you from Parkinsons. Or something Too much can cause Parkyness though. Which is quite nasty as this thread shows... Obsessed.
  4. Just replace wot I said with summink that makes sense and add KK to it.
  5. This for me. I'm at the stage of 'Anyone But Ashley'. At least Shepherd will have a crack at rebuilding the club, Ashley will sell what isn't nailed down and let the rest fall in. People need to wake the fuck up, FS tried to compete at the highest level and took the risks that go with that. He made some blunders of course he did, but he was also unlucky with for instance the inj ot Luque etc...He might be a monster, but he's our monster. Given the choice between an ambitious spendthrift who'll ruin the club and a miserly incompetent buffoon who'll ruin the club, I choose Shepherd every time. To be fair, he'd be a pretty good chairman if he left the choice of manager, the finances and the PR to someone else. Ideally we need a couple of football heads in the boardroom.
  6. This for me. I'm at the stage of 'Anyone But Ashley'. At least Shepherd will have a crack at rebuilding the club, Ashley will sell what isn't nailed down and let the rest fall in. People need to wake the fuck up, FS tried to compete at the highest level and took the risks that go with that. He made some blunders of course he did, but he was also unlucky with for instance the inj ot Luque etc...He might be a monster, but he's our monster. Easy with the history re-write Full scale revisionist styleee.
  7. I'd like him back in a coaching capacity with AS as manager, that way he might overlook the cash.
  8. This for me. I'm at the stage of 'Anyone But Ashley'. At least Shepherd will have a crack at rebuilding the club, Ashley will sell what isn't nailed down and let the rest fall in. People need to wake the fuck up, FS tried to compete at the highest level and took the risks that go with that. He made some blunders of course he did, but he was also unlucky with for instance the inj ot Luque etc...He might be a monster, but he's our monster.
  9. This is heartbreak hotel!!
  10. Ok, I hope he doesn't but it and we have MA for another 2 years.
  11. At least he showed ambition.
  12. It feels like New Labour, like teen spirit, like a cheap perfume on the telly. BRING IT THE FUCK ON!!!!1111122222
  13. TBF it was always in MA's interests to milk any issues left by the former regime. A properly functioning NUFC is a threat to any club in the world.
  14. Fatty just wants to be loved.
  15. Together with AS there is at last some hope. Mittens crossed children.
  16. How do you do it then? Given all the things already mentioned, how exactly do you do that in this area? If it is so possible then just explain how it is done here and now, easy enough? Well for sure missile strikes against with high number of civilian deaths ain't the way, unless you want to send a message.
  17. This is the kind of shit that crops up on Transfer Rumours dot com, that I put on there in the morning while giggling over me coffee.
  18. Pretty sure he's gone. Could be wrong.
  19. This is a battle being fought out currently across many frontiers and fault lines. Tooner has a point, in that when a very indisciplined strike like this takes place, it isn't just off the bat, but calculated. IMO this strike was a warning to the general populous and intended to shake their allegiances. The state wants to strike some fear into the hearts of the men that hang out/give shelter/ sympathize with Al Kidder et al... Also in Afghan things are further complicated by folks changing sides constantly depending on tribal alliances or hard cash. One also has to bear in mind that we are working with elements of the enemy in London (much to the Americans irritation) since 7/7 and had been for long periods before (this is commonly known as 'the covenant'). The deal has always been in place that known terrorists wouldn't be hassled in London by Mi5 for return of favours, information and tip offs and this worked very well for us for ages and also we had in place guarantees that London wouldn't be struck - few people realise that kept us out of harms way for nearly two decades...The point is that is the way we like to work the Americans however (fucking up as they are all over the place) work very differently against their assets.....Big hits like the one we are discussing here are America's way of making things black and white as they are lost in the very grey areas that our boys revel in. Take Bosnia and the general skirmishes in that region, we and the Americans airlifted mujahadeen into the region, trained and armed them, sometimes directly by SAS etc..We also helped recruit fresh Islamic militants in England and Pakistan, train them and send them over to Bosnia, Kosovo and later Chechnya...British Muslims recruited by OUR SECRET SERVICES. My point being that the way we work in these regions is that we get our hands dirty and we tend to stay loyal to one side or the other (as in the case of Haroun Rashid who we hid from the Americans for ages and even got him out of the states. We are much better that the U.S. in ground operations in Iraq and we prefer to work with the locals. The Americans don't have the intellectual military prowess or will power to work this way, the are immediate results/budgets/hoopla driven and they are forcing the war in Afghanistan into the only way they know how....A stand off war of long range technological engagements and strikes conducted by satellite. They will lose.
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