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Park Life

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Everything posted by Park Life

  1. Fuck me, never ever got through it and tried 3 times. Probably rubbish.
  2. JJ remains a true connoisseur of whatever he partakes.
  3. I think that's where we are. Probably couldn't get any worse.
  4. Thought the elbow in the back of the neck on the vid (where he collapses immediately) was very harsh... CCTV shows officers carrying man IPCC claimed walked into station and died Footage captures police using aggressive techniques to arrest Faisal al-Ani, who died of heart failure in Southend police station Link to this video Newly obtained CCTV footage has revealed how police officers carried a bruised and apparently limp man into custody moments before he died, contradicting an initial statement by the investigating police watchdog that he had "walked into the police station" and then collapsed. The footage, shown to Faisal al-Ani's inquest and released by the coroner after legal requests by the Guardian, also shows three officers pinning him to the ground while arresting him in Southend-on-Sea town centre. The restraint techniques used by the officers against Ani, a 43-year-old suffering from an acute psychotic illness, were criticised in a report commissioned by the Independent Police Complaints Commission. On Monday, the jury at Ani's inquest at Southend civic centre returned a narrative verdict that was broadly supportive of police actions, finding that the force used by the police to restrain Ani had been appropriate even though officers deviated from standard techniques, but that they had failed to take appropriate care of his physical welfare. Vid
  5. So your answer is 'Gypsies'? Why don't you add blacks, Jews and Muslims? Err no my answer is travellers/gypsies/scummy louts (whatever they are named really doesnt matter) but people then if it pleases you...people who pay no money, sponge off the state, never work, camp where they please, let their dogs (and probably kids) shit everywhere, play loud music at night when decent people have to get up for work the next day, leave the place a shithole with their waste and rubbish so Torbay council have to pay to clean it up like the last site they were moved on from. It's dags btw. I thought that was the shitty bit of a sheep's coat.
  6. So your answer is 'Gypsies'? Why don't you add blacks, Jews and Muslims? Err no my answer is travellers/gypsies/scummy louts (whatever they are named really doesnt matter) but people then if it pleases you...people who pay no money, sponge off the state, never work, camp where they please, let their dogs (and probably kids) shit everywhere, play loud music at night when decent people have to get up for work the next day, leave the place a shithole with their waste and rubbish so Torbay council have to pay to clean it up like the last site they were moved on from. It's dags btw.
  7. He used to wake them at 5am most mornings.
  8. I reckon if you weren't such a whinging, boring cunt, the message might get through better. Start with complimenting them about something, make them feel good about themselves, then say but you're a fat cunt and you need to do a b and c to rectify it. It's all about charm, if you've got none, you're fucked, and that's why your relationship with the sisters is fucked too.
  9. what particular golden era are you talking about here - the 1960's, 70's, 80's, 90's or current era ? Or when we qualified regularly for europe........with one of the best teams in the country and bought top quality footballers and filled the stadium every week. Doesn't sound like a badly run club to me. If you mean the 1950's, we may have won 3 FA Cups but we still got relegated and the club was run by a bunch of twats who creamed off as much as they could. Further than that, you are looking at when we last won the league.... Sadly we weren't living within ours means by doing it, and Shepherd comitted footballing hari kari around that time by listening to the boo boys and subsequently undermining then sacking Sir Bob. Fair enough, reach for the stars you say, but sadly we're still seeing them whilst we are here lying in the gutter. Perhaps some prudence around 04-05 may have been in order, after all one of Shep's chief public criticisms of Sir Bob was bad value for money in transfer dealings (Bassedas and Cort were mentioned, but there were others.) So why entrust a manager who was variously anywhere between 4th to 10th choice for the job the funds buy the likes of Boumsong, leaving aside the chairmans own vanity signings of Owen and Luque? What about a bit of throttling back, taking a longer view, a bit of consolidation,see how Souness was panning out? Then maybe kick on a bit if Shep felt he was doing an ok job? You can be sure that this was the turning point for many of Shepherds more vocal detracors, and this is where a lot of the debt that Ashley wouldnt and couldnt handle come from. He caused the present mess, Ashley didnt look at the books and is now personally paying the price for the Shepherd years. I feel since the credit crunch kicked in we would be in a similar mess whether the Halls had seen this coming and forced Shepherds hand or not. If Shep does come back he should thank his lucky stars for the Halls having the good business sense to get their loot out of the club at just the right time and selling to the worlds only lucky billionaire. nobody doubts that Souness was a turning point in fortunes, but the previous years weren't so bad were they ? When do you think they will be repeated ? I don't care about PR gaffes. Quite interesting though that lots of people were wanking themselves about Ashley buying pints for people in pubs [blatantly courting good grace and feeling when he knew he didn't have the footballing ambition which I posted at the time] and tangoing around the boardroom when we beat the mackems, among other things. They had to back Souness, he was their appointment. What is the point in not backing your appointment ? Do you think that alternatively, they shouldn't have appointed anybody ? Also, if you look around you, you will see that Being in the premiership with a desire to succeed = debts. Unless of course you want to run the club like the Charltons etc of this world, which appeared to be Ashleys "plan". Agreed.
  10. The mischief in that mans eyes...
  11. Just to keep you updated the vote on N.O. is too close to call on the FS issue. For 69 Against 81
  12. what particular golden era are you talking about here - the 1960's, 70's, 80's, 90's or current era ? Or when we qualified regularly for europe........with one of the best teams in the country and bought top quality footballers and filled the stadium every week. Doesn't sound like a badly run club to me. If you mean the 1950's, we may have won 3 FA Cups but we still got relegated and the club was run by a bunch of twats who creamed off as much as they could. Further than that, you are looking at when we last won the league.... Fire at will etc...
  13. Yup. Ashley can't afford the keep bluffing as he's fast running out of chips. Sauce...? His net worth is around 700m now and that inc most of his assets. Rule of thumb is that these guys have about 20% liquid....I'd say he can't lay his hands on more than 150m if he really needed it.
  14. Yup. Ashley can't afford the keep bluffing as he's fast running out of chips.
  15. Personally I think he's already out of cash (readies that is, not assets etc..)....
  16. Typical Ashley, fucking around to the bitter end.
  17. Not in St.George it won't. The drunks have put paid to it.
  18. The cops look nervous about the large dags.
  19. Aye. Germans have wrecked it by calling the cops.
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