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Park Life

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Everything posted by Park Life

  1. Safari has private browsing etc....
  2. Isn't it just click edit and then 'pinning' them to that big black screen??
  3. Fwiw the Krishnan thing looks legit. We'll find out next week I reckon.
  4. How about the All England Club picking up all the black talent hanging around the streets a few miles from Wimbledon and introducing them to tennis?
  5. Just say "£10 fucking pounds!!" and sling it at her/it.
  6. How many times have I met Mrs P's mates and taken her aside and said..." He doesn't like football, are you sure he's not gay?"
  7. If he'd just lifted that chance against James instead of prodding at it....
  8. I am currently knitting a sleep pattern out of hemp.
  9. Except the bedroom where they disrupt your sleep patterns IIRC Bloody things get shot of them!!
  10. Is that meant to be a metaphor for something else or did I just read it that way? yes. but having read Parky has a mrs its not the best thing. She doesn't understand me.
  11. Can't I just hang out with her for a bit? Her hair smells nice.
  12. Martins has produced diminishing returns year on year. First season he played 46 and scored 17 which made him popular. His popularity hasn't waned in the last 2 years despite not managing 30 games in either (Owen did in both). First Impressions last I guess...and Owen's was that of a crock. Martins is a perpetually smirking cunt as well.
  13. Martins played less games?/
  14. about 20 he'll be used as an impact sub if at all. wonder what his wages will be eh? pay as you play? Seriously guys let's have a bit of reason on this. If he gets service he'll score goals.
  15. The 19 yr old called me again today. Hot as fuck and intelligent....I daren't meet her for a drink. Thoughts.
  16. Given that you offered £100m for a player that was eventually sold for £55m, I'm not surprised. Looks like FS has a consultancy there.
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