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Park Life

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Everything posted by Park Life

  1. It always amazes me that Western strategists don't realise all Arabs aren't the same. He was always paranoid about Iran.
  2. The package looks quite large tbf. More than MP's and nearly as much as doctors.
  3. Sounds like it I change mine every two months to keep the bizzies off my case. Barksdale crew homey. Re-up Yo!
  4. By Matthew Moore Published: 7:00AM BST 07 Jul 2009 One chief constable, Ian McPherson of Norfolk Police, had his stamp duty paid as part of a £70,000 sweetener to tempt him to the job. Sean Price, of the Cleveland force, saw his annual package boosted beyond £200,000 last year due to an annual £50,000 "retention package", plus a "honorarium" of £24,000. Other forces agreed to fund private school fees and spouses' cars in order to attract senior officers, according to The Times. The top-up deals are negotiated outside national pay agreements and details are not generally made public. They are intended to stimulate competition among chief constables and reward the highest performers, but they have been criticised for tying officers to particular forces. Stephen Bett, chairman of Norfolk Police Authority, defended the packaged it negotiated with Mr McPherson, saying that he was "worth every single penny". "We are looking for people who can think outside the box, do what we want to be done, be accountable and provide the people of Norfolk with the best possible police force," he said. "We've got that with Ian McPherson." A spokesman for Cleveland Police Authority said that its payments reflected Mr Price's record and experience." Are these large sums of money or reflective of the pressures of the job?
  5. Sounding like Wor Dekka Llameass mind Parky, Just knock her back doors in and be done with it. then post the pics here of course Lamearse??!! Below the belt surely? The solution might be just to be friends with her.
  6. He'll go back to Italy to sit on a subs bench somewhere.
  7. "Preparations for Wednesday's G8 summit in the Italian mountain town of L'Aquila have been so chaotic there is growing pressure from other member states to have Italy expelled from the group, according to senior western officials. In the last few weeks before the summit, and in the absence of any substantive initiatives on the agenda, the US has taken control. Washington has organised "sherpa calls" (conference calls among senior officials) in a last-ditch bid to inject purpose into the meeting. "For another country to organise the sherpa calls is just unprecedented. It's a nuclear option," said one senior G8 member state official. "The Italians have been just awful. There have been no processes and no planning." "The G8 is a club, and clubs have membership dues. Italy has not been paying them," said a European official involved in the summit preparations. The behind-the-scenes grumbling has gone as far as suggestions that Italy could be pushed out of the G8 or any successor group. One possibility being floated in European capitals is that Spain, which has higher per capita national income and gives a greater percentage of GDP in aid, would take Italy's place." Would be unprecedented.
  8. Who's gonna wade through all those fekin pdf's Chez?
  9. Yup. Without a doubt Iran (or the Dinnerjacket brigade at least) would kill every single Palestinian in a nuclear holocaust if it furthered their political ends. Poppycock!!
  10. "WASHINGTON - Some congressmen believe the United States and China are in an unacknowledged space race that this country could lose if it doesn't spend more money on the civilian space program. The communist nation's military runs its manned space program, employs an estimated 200,000 workers and has set a goal of putting an astronaut on the moon by 2017. By contrast, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration is a civilian government program with a limited budget that directly employs fewer than 20,000 civil servants and has lost the commanding lead it once held over the rest of the world in human space exploration. "We have a space race going on right now and the American people are totally unaware of all this," said Rep. Tom DeLay, the Texas Republican whose district includes Johnson Space Center near Houston. The theme, which is not new, emerged again Thursday at a Capitol Hill hearing where lawmakers were quizzing NASA Administrator Mike Griffin about the Bush administration's budget request for the space program. This time, though, lawmakers sounded as if they might be willing to do more than just talk about the issue. Griffin was asked to produce in 30 days an unclassified report to Congress containing an assessment of the Chinese space program and its goals. Rep. Frank Wolf, R-Va., chairman of the House Appropriations subcommittee with NASA oversight, said he would hold a hearing on the subject to coincide with the report's release. Griffin acknowledged that China's new Shenzou spaceships are capable of supporting a crew on a round-trip mission to the moon. But their Long March rockets are not powerful enough to get them there, he said. The United States has neither a crew vehicle nor a rocket capable of making a moon run. The shuttle is designed for low Earth orbit only."
  11. "Mr Nelson, a former astronaut, bemoaned the fact that, between 2010 and 2015, the US will have no way of transporting its astronauts to the International Space Station except aboard Russian Soyuz spacecraft. Michael Griffin, a former Nasa chief who championed the Constellation programme, warned that America had concentrated for too long on space shuttles – which are being retired - while rivals, such as China, were emerging with more ambitious goals."
  12. Only a completely mad person will buy at these prices + debt + expensive player wages + overdraft. So, should be sorted this week.
  13. More than you can imagine bids. A cornucopia of bids. A plethora of bidding.... We're inundated with bids.... you wouldnt belive some of the people that have bid. Ive had bidders knocking at my door all day long
  14. So far the rumours from the far flungs of the interweb are that FS has bid 60m and gone on holiday and that the Malaysians don't want to bid more than 80m, for me these are much more believable numbers.
  15. Though, if you talk to the nationals you sound desperate, but if you just talk to the locals it's more subtle and you know it will still find its way into the main news. This is as well.
  16. I think the statement is directed at us.
  17. I'll be stunned if anyone actually pays 100m, that is the primary reason I doubt the story. Designed to drum up interest or perhaps coerce people who haven't bid/walked away/bid less. Considering no Championship club has ever gone for more than £40m* (certainly not one with £130m of debt and a £60m wage bill) I'm guessing this would put off more people than it would encourage. *I'm not sure of that. Anyone know the most expensive club outside the Premier league? The other thing is, why keep leaking/making up these stories. If the club were in a strong position, we would hear nothing until the day the sale was confirmed. A wage bill running at 40/50m with income down 45 odd million makes the 100m tag totally disney as you say. Peaspud may have been close to the truth with his cynicism regarding the writing off - of the Ashley 100m and he may still be trying to tag this on somehow. The other fear I have is that we are running up an overdraft somewhere (Barclays??) and the longer this goes on the less appealing the club becomes, as I'm pretty certain MA isn't putting anymore money in. I've given up trying to figure out what he's upto, but if he really did want to sell the price ought to be around 50m tops.
  18. At my most optimistic I think there may have been bids in the region of 60m and MA has turned them down, hence Lamearse still plugging the 100m line.
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