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Park Life

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Everything posted by Park Life

  1. Park Life


    "Bad back" That old chesnut eh?
  2. Park Life


    Taking up smoking will take a stone off in 3 months. Appetite suppressant as well.
  3. Park Life


    Mate of Charlies iirc.
  4. Park Life


    Zany! Destroys our bodies from the inside and fast.
  5. That reminds me i've still got your DVD, will bring it with me in August. Have you watched it though? He doesn't watch he observes.
  6. Park Life


    The most deadly thing on this planet is oxygen. Who knew?/!!
  7. Those are done by their bots that have been here for 200,000 years in underground silos hence they're still using pictograms. 200,000 years of careful planning...... and then they met Nothing could have prepared them for that. It's the caveman look to make them feel comfortable.
  8. Those are done by their bots that have been here for 200,000 years in underground silos hence they're still using pictograms. Exactly, we'll reverse engineer a spacship from a captured Crop-Circle-Bot... just like we did with the Transformers. They've been trying that (with some success) since the 50's.
  9. Park Life


    Joggers die early. FACT.
  10. Those are done by their bots that have been here for 200,000 years in underground silos hence they're still using pictograms.
  11. But Aliens thought it was worthwhile to explore space AND come visit us AND then depart once more, using all that fuel and tonnage off the ground against our gravity... so surely we should give it a go too. They have the technology to move moons we have the technology to move big heavy bits of metal nowhere.
  12. How the fuck will they ever get anything out of our solar system?
  13. It's just silly getting all that fuel and tonnage off the ground against our gravity. Nasa : Numpty airhead space Americans.
  14. So does that apply the other way round? (if the woman is the eldest) Only if you're loaded, obviously. Beat me to it.
  15. SJF seem to be cherry picking some of the best pubs in the Newcastle area and have some of the best food pubs too. They've opened a newbuild food pub in the Shiremoor area called the Pavillion which is canny by North Tyneside standards, if a bit pricey. Looks like they've got some good policies and standards.
  16. Christian Brothers Automotive, founded in Texas in the early 1980s, has just opened its 59th franchise in the recession-hit suburbs of St Louis, Missouri as part of its plans to have 120 outlets across the United States. Most are currently based in the South’s Bible Belt but the company is now expanding north. Nearly 80 per cent of Americans describe themselves as Christians so the company’s philosophy of ministering to its customers and treating them like family while fixing only what needs to be fixed is turning out to be good business during the recession. “At the beginning of the day, we get together and have a prayer that God’s going to guide us and take us through the day and bless the customers that are coming in and that the guys are going to diagnose things and fix them to the best of our ability,” said Kip Bynum, 38, a former telecoms executive who co-owns the St Louis garage with his wife Lori. Neat niche.
  17. Banks won't be bailed out and The Bank of England will return to backing the pound with gold and at the correct moment all denominations above£20 will have gold on them to the value of £20.
  18. With good owners, there is no reason we can't get straight back. On average you can lose 10 games and still go up.
  19. All public sector workers will pay 20% basic rate tax whether they be nurses, managers or research fellows - teachers, nhs docs, social service workers....It will be named the contributors tax. Scrap all vat apart from on fuel and cars. People with second cars and houses will be walloped with mega tax at point of purchase till they learn to fuck off.
  20. 250,000 in Greater Londres alone. Does it make it any safer? I'm not against them full stop but it's about time serious controls were imposed and some started coming down imo. There is a case for keeping them in sensitive areas ie around Parliament etc but fuck my why have 3,000 in Norwich ffs!!
  21. Start ups and small business with turnover under 1m a year will pay no tax of any kind and people who work there will pay a flat rate of 10%.
  22. 250,000 in Greater Londres alone.
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