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Park Life

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Everything posted by Park Life

  1. We only need to keep Bass, Tayls, Haprper and Guthrie and build around that. I'd ditch anyone earning over 50k tomorrow.
  2. I would have thought a rolling contract would have been a good compromise.
  3. It'll be Aug in a couple of weeks, things can't be going well. A business like Newcastle is tiny and any takeover should take 2 weeks max with a serious buyer.
  4. 50m is a fair price. 100m as I've said here and elsewhere is what we call Disney.
  5. Sounds plausible. Newcastle were on SKY the third most last season joint with Arsenal, and fourth most the season before 22 and 21 times respectively, both seasons we were on more than Chelsea. This suggests to me we are the third or fourth biggest viewer puller in English football, something I've though all along anyway. To that end it would explain a CCC clubs 7 appearances before November and other ways SKY have bent over backwards for us. I remember the barb information showed 1.1m people watched Newcastle v Sunderland, as opposed to 800,000 who watched Everton v Liverpool. Sunderland on the other hand would not be in the top 10 viewer generators in this country, maybe not even the top 15, so I can see SKY's stance. No one is interested in the club, similar to Aston Villa in that respect. A beautifully collated post shot through with key data and intelligent musings.
  6. Caught early the chemo blast should save him. Good luck to him and his family.
  7. I didn't know the borough of North Tyneside had a professional football team... The airports in the city bondaries of Newcastle upon Tyne, you third world mackem cunt. aha you fell for the bait, to be precise the airport is actually in not in the boundary of Newcastle Upon Tyne, but Northumberland. Mong. Our survey says NUR NURRRRRRR A Newcastle Airport‎ Woolsington, Newcastle upon Tyne, Tyne and Wear, NE13 8BZ‎ - 0871 882 1121‎ That doesn't support the fact that you've deluded yourself and several others, thinking we've been banned from the competition when none of the real quotes in the article even suggest. Who cares you're a mickey mouse club, you said the airport was in North Tyneside you were proved wrong so you said Northumberland, again proved wrong, so you ignore the subject all together. I'm not a bigot, but I genuinely mean it when I say mackems are the lowest people in life you can get in this country, you are downtrodden, bitter, jealous people who's only glimpse of the limelight occurs when you're mentioned in the same breath as us. This is great for Sunderland actually having something as a place, a city, an area, having something which for one season is better than your more illustrious, championed, more famous neighbours, namely Premiership status. The daft thing is though even though we're in a lower league, we're still going to get double the focus you receive shown already by our 7 live TV appearances to you 2 by the end of October. Mackems aghahaha - no one cares, no one will ever care, and that's why it hurts so much. I was having a giggle at the disproportionate tv coverage only this morning.
  8. Tired / Stressed / Anxious etc I am ok now, was waiting to speak to the doc, but ok now. What kind of a weakling are you ffs??!!
  9. 2 of them are your fat sistahs isn't it?
  10. I've always thought that meself. But I was out for a beer on Sat with an internet marketing guru who works with big brands like Vodaphone and he was saying that budgets thrown at the web have been growing every year for about 10 years. Because they all want higher speeds to download their porn, obviously. It's all about the smut. Why do you do twitter?
  11. Bassong's distribution is fairly pony like!! Fairly comfortable on the ball imo. I'm comfortable with the ball at my feet, it's the passing to a team mate that both I and Monsieur Bassong struggle with. I've found a lot of comfort sitting on the ball.
  12. Bassong's distribution is fairly pony like!! Most CD's distribution is lame unless we get into the 10m and above bracket. Bass tends to tackle better and rarely lets peeps go past him. Taylor often seems to be racing to cover areas where he should have been in the first place.
  13. I've always thought that meself. But I was out for a beer on Sat with an internet marketing guru who works with big brands like Vodaphone and he was saying that budgets thrown at the web have been growing every year for about 10 years.
  14. A research note written by a 15-year-old Morgan Stanley intern that described his friends' media habits has generated a flurry of interest from media executives and investors. The US investment bank's European media analysts asked Matthew Robson, an intern from a London school, to write a report on teenagers' likes and dislikes, which made the Financial Times' front page today. His report, that dismissed Twitter and described online advertising as pointless, proved to be "one of the clearest and most thought-provoking insights we have seen – so we published it", said Edward Hill-Wood, executive director of Morgan Stanley's European media team. "We've had dozens and dozens of fund managers, and several CEOs, e-mailing and calling all day." He said the note had generated five or six times more responses than the team's usual research. His colleague, Julien Rossi, added: "It's an interesting starting point for debate." The rapid surge of interest in social networking and messaging sites has prompted speculation that sites such as Twitter or Facebook could be taken over. But Robson's report, which was sent to Morgan Stanley's clients as a research note last Friday, suggested that such a move could be folly. He said teenagers were using more and more media, but they were unwilling to pay for it. "Teenagers do not use Twitter," he wrote. "Most have signed up to the service, but then just leave it as they realise that they are not going to update it (mostly because texting Twitter uses up credit, and they would rather text friends with that credit). They realise that no one is viewing their profile, so their tweets are pointless."
  15. Everything could be saved if something happens this week.
  16. Taylor is slightly better in the air imo but Bassong is better on the ground.
  17. It might be either nobody has bid the asking price or the purchase is more expensive (strings attached) than a 100m, wouldn't surprise me.
  18. We're completely wasting our time and the lives of young men in Afghanistan.
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