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Park Life

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Everything posted by Park Life

  1. I think Ashley Young is on his way somewhere.....Most members of the alleged "big 4" (and Villa for that matter) have been or will potentially be directly weakened in some respects by Man City's spending and could use him, if they rate him as highly as many seem to. I'm not so sure about him, nor Abonglahor for that matter. MON wants 36m for Young. So we'll see.
  2. I didn't have the time then, and I don't now either to fully respond to that post and I hate just picking certain points out of posts as it looks like you have no answer to the points you ignore. Having said that, that's precisely what I'm going to do now: When Ashley took over there was a refinancing package which was about to go through. What this entailed no-one ever revealed to my knowledge, but I can't see how anything like that would have been going ahead if the club was about to go bankrupt. It's a bit rich quayside saying the operating loss figure I quoted just for info was irrelevant (I also quoted the loss after trading & amortisation & interest payments and used that figure in my argument) and then going on to base his arguments on the reduction of the net worth of the company. The majority of the reduction in the net worth of the company in the last years of the old board was due to the reduced book value of the players due to amortisation. This is a consequence of spending a large amount in one season (Owen & Luque, etc) which boosts the assets of the company in that year, but will inevitably reduce year on year if subsequent years do not have the same outlay on players. The value of the playing staff on the accounts is quite often not a true reflection of the actual value of the squad if you were to try and sell them, so to use these numbers in a year on year comparison can be very misleading. It leads to people saying things like "we lost £30m in 05-06" when in fact we spent about £10m more than we brought in which I think gives a much clearer idea of how we actually did in that financial year. As I said at the time, not great, but certainly not spiralling out of control considering we were due to get a £18m boost in turnover the following year from TV revenue alone. In contrast, the man who was sorting out our finances managed to spend £30 to £40m* more than we brought in in his first year, even with that extra TV money, whilst weakening the squad, and people were praising him for it! You've actually got to give the man some credit for being able to pull that one off. * I've not actually seen the 07-08 accounts, but these figures are based on the reported debt levels in 07 and 08. Some sanity at last.
  3. JK: Speaking to the Irish Press at the weekend, he claimed: “Kevin Keegan and Alan Shearer, the Messiahs, got nine points between them. “When I went into hospital, we were 13th with 13 games left. Everything was going in our favour. “All the other clubs were getting beat, and we were on a great run. It was looking an absolute doddle.” “I said to Mike (Ashley), ‘let me come back’, but he said, ‘no, the club doctor spoke to the specialist, and it was too dangerous’. “What disappointed me most was that, irrespective of my health, I could have been a figurehead, so Alan could have bounced things off me. “I would have be able to help and guide him. “Alan has been a phenomenal player, but he’s never been in management or coaching.”
  4. thats just it, I can only see him on the bench since he'd be battling Young who is one of the best wingers in the league It was clear last year that Young had to play too many games, I guess that is why they have made this move. Aye, but you can buy a £6m prospect to plug the gaps when Young is tired, or you want to rest him ahead of a big game... but £12m on a 24yr old one-trick-pony seems ludicrous. I was just about to say exactly the same thing It's cause neither of you understand football. you reckon its a good move for them then? Totally. He's English, young, broken into the national team and 3 years down the line his re-sale value will be double that if he continues to improve or at least they'll get their money back + 20/30%. Although not as good as Young he is comparative to him in pace and crossing ability. When you change a team around you want to do it with as little impact on style as possible, also he'll be a little bit of competition for Young which is preferable to having a stop gap type. MON will want to compete in all the competitions next year without the handicap of an unbalanced small squad.
  5. Alternatively, you are a fucking optimist and it will not be all sorted by the end of this week. (Going on Ashley's NUFC career so far I'd say the pessismists had more reason for their doubts.) But eventually I'll be right! Have a biscuit.
  6. thats just it, I can only see him on the bench since he'd be battling Young who is one of the best wingers in the league It was clear last year that Young had to play too many games, I guess that is why they have made this move. Aye, but you can buy a £6m prospect to plug the gaps when Young is tired, or you want to rest him ahead of a big game... but £12m on a 24yr old one-trick-pony seems ludicrous. I was just about to say exactly the same thing It's cause neither of you understand football.
  7. thats just it, I can only see him on the bench since he'd be battling Young who is one of the best wingers in the league It was clear last year that Young had to play too many games, I guess that is why they have made this move.
  8. "Meanwhile the Chronicle understands that a new consortium have put in a bid to take over the Magpies. The group have handed United 24 hours to accept their bid, which meets the asking price, or they will walk away."
  9. I feel there is one group quite close to MA's valuations but he is using the other consortium to squeeze them. It is either that or the two 100m bids is completely made up.
  10. No they're not. We now have Barclays dictating whether we can or cant appoint a manager. That doesnt happen when you owe yourself. Yes, there is the overdraft of course. I was talking more about the structural debt, which will now have to be accounted for in any share sale - anyone buying Ashleys shares is going to value them on a net-of-debt basis (which he would have done if he'd bothered to do any due diligence) Can you explain that in layman's terms?
  11. The reason for the instant rebuttal is surely cause of the adverse effect on ticket sales..Non?
  12. What do you mean "wrapped up in the sale"??
  13. FFS will you stop making predictions! Don't worry it's an old one. I've said it since Christmas. No new taxes predictions!
  14. Didn't you follow the argument on online...or maybe didn't read the posts ?. You bought up West Ham you weasel without a blind clue of the implications. Don't open a christmas cracker unless it's christmas. What actually is your girly faux argument? "I want less debt"??? Fuck me you could bore a chess player.
  15. But if you are paying that, losing more money, like the near 30mill in 2006-07 who's going to lend you more with nothing to securitise it against ? Ps I've said elsewhere and you know that I have that he should have spent some of his money in January (even if only to protect his investment...hate talking about NUFC in those terms but it's what it has come down to) Get this into your head. It's harder to refinance in the CCC It's even harder to refinance if you go into voluntary admin. You can't refinance if the owners are bankrupt vis a vie West Ham. Simple things easily remembered I'd imagine. The playing field of the PL has changed you simply have to compete (especially with the advantage of a billionaire owner) if you don't you're gone. You have to make that choice. Ashley made the wrong choice. As it is football as a revenue model still has a long way to go, but you have to be in the PL to take advantage. If your talking about a debt free club your talking about a 1st division outfit not a PL one. Look at the stupid fuck and the carry on now....asking 100m for a CCC club. Utterly clueless and a risk taking bufoon of barage balloon proportions. I don't give a fuck about debt, if a PL club isn't carrying debt it isn't trying. Get this into your head. I've already said he should have spent some of his money to stop us going down (because the other things are glaringly obvious) I've already said I don't mind us running on debt and lets see how many others without private backers run up the sort of debt and wages ratio we did. I'm still awaiting links to those other clubs from the previous posts mind... you know the one with the prem clubs with more debt, who were making big operating losses, hellish wages to turnover and were still spending to compete.... you can get away with one for a bit..not all three and not for long. You're one of those guys that's already said everything I guess. Find your own fukcing links.
  16. Park Life

    Top Fives

    Sorry sweetie Your loss I'm afraid too, as you know I dont normally blow my own trumpet (no pun intended) but I like to think I'm pretty damn good in the BJ department!! Anyway my five fave crisps, which change from time to time.. Walkers sensations, salt and black pepper. Kettle vegetable crisps....parsnip, sweet potato and beetroot Walkers sunbites wholegrain crisps...sour cream and cracked black pepper. Cheese doritos BBQ Pringles Films LOTR's trilogy...I'm counting that as one. The Shining Terminator 1 and 2 The Lost boys The Picture of Dorian Grey Good call with that one. Possibly the best George Sanders cad performance which says a lot with him. Crisps: Pom Bears, Pringles Sour Cream & Chives, Tudor Prawn Cocktail, Walkers Worcester Sauce, Mini Cheaders? Countries: There's none I dislike but probably individuals from most I can't stand. Words: Cunt, Spoon, Twat, Daddy, Mongoose Films: The Maltese Falcon, The Empire Strikes Back, The Good The Bad And The Ugly, Tokyo Story, Mulholland Drive/Paris Texas/Chinatown. Liking your film choices. Other than the first three (well a Star Wars would be there) they'd probably be completely different tomorrow like. The fact that you've put Mulholland Drive and Paris Texas in means you can put any old other shit in there and still carry the day fella.
  17. But if you are paying that, losing more money, like the near 30mill in 2006-07 who's going to lend you more with nothing to securitise it against ? Ps I've said elsewhere and you know that I have that he should have spent some of his money in January (even if only to protect his investment...hate talking about NUFC in those terms but it's what it has come down to) Get this into your head. It's harder to refinance in the CCC It's even harder to refinance if you go into voluntary admin. You can't refinance if the owners are bankrupt vis a vie West Ham. Simple things easily remembered I'd imagine. The playing field of the PL has changed you simply have to compete (especially with the advantage of a billionaire owner) if you don't you're gone. You have to make that choice. Ashley made the wrong choice. As it is football as a revenue model still has a long way to go, but you have to be in the PL to take advantage. If your talking about a debt free club your talking about a 1st division outfit not a PL one. Look at the stupid fuck and the carry on now....asking 100m for a CCC club. Utterly clueless and a risk taking bufoon of barage balloon proportions. I don't give a fuck about debt, if a PL club isn't carrying debt it isn't trying.
  18. Park Life

    Top Fives

    Sorry sweetie Your loss I'm afraid too, as you know I dont normally blow my own trumpet (no pun intended) but I like to think I'm pretty damn good in the BJ department!! Anyway my five fave crisps, which change from time to time.. Walkers sensations, salt and black pepper. Kettle vegetable crisps....parsnip, sweet potato and beetroot Walkers sunbites wholegrain crisps...sour cream and cracked black pepper. Cheese doritos BBQ Pringles Films LOTR's trilogy...I'm counting that as one. The Shining Terminator 1 and 2 The Lost boys The Picture of Dorian Grey Good call with that one. Possibly the best George Sanders cad performance which says a lot with him. Crisps: Pom Bears, Pringles Sour Cream & Chives, Tudor Prawn Cocktail, Walkers Worcester Sauce, Mini Cheaders? Countries: There's none I dislike but probably individuals from most I can't stand. Words: Cunt, Spoon, Twat, Daddy, Mongoose Films: The Maltese Falcon, The Empire Strikes Back, The Good The Bad And The Ugly, Tokyo Story, Mulholland Drive/Paris Texas/Chinatown. Liking your film choices.
  19. The bottom line is Ashley had to regenerate the playing staff and he had 42m of tv revenue to do it and a personal wealth around 1b, he didn't do it and we got relegated. We've lost 42m cause the stupid cunt tried to make profits in transfer windows. PS out debt would have cost about 8.6m a year to finance ( the cost of one overrated player).
  20. Newcastle is a monopoly ? So it's a monopoly that people can walk away from. The debts you have linked to...did they include Leeds, West ham, Pompey, Luton (on a smaller scale..similar thing though, risked on buying players in the hope success would pay for it, the success didn't come and they ended up in the shit) If success guaranteed clubs against financial ruin 95% of the PL would be bancrupt. The key is tv money. FS was in the process of scaling down is why SA was bought in. Put up a coherent argument and do some research before I wipe your arse for you. Success doesn't guarantee it but it does bring in more money..........being able to finance your debts is the key. Remember Ashley made profits in the windows etc so what extra scaling down would Allardyce have done ? Would you and Leazes have been happy with that, if so why wasn't you happy when Ashley started doing it ? Good of you to walk away from the Monopoly idea as even you see it's pointless in this argument. What the cost of financing the said 70m or 100m debt? What is the tv revenue? What is the ticket revenue? If you stay in the Pl and are a monopoly (we don't make toilet paper) debt of our calibre is easily, rather comfortably fiananced, it's how banks make money and it is how clubs grow the business. Show me one club that has grown a sizeable business model without outside finance and I'll walk away from this debate.
  21. Cause for one Leeds didn't even own their own players and for two their wages was actually HIGHER than income. Surely borrowing more would have solved this ? Got them through the rough time. Borrowing more what? Do you understand the concept of ADMINISTRATION???? Last year there were 8 PL clubs with higher wages to income ratio than us....This is news to you I guess?
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