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Park Life

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Everything posted by Park Life

  1. Quite a heavy article on True Faith today.
  2. Not a patch on the big screen version mate. Was alright. Avatar in Dec is one I am looking forward to.
  3. I'm getting confused as to what's being discussed here. Don't we all agree something needs to change in the US? Am i right to assume you think someone who can afford treatment, however expensive, should get it via whichever super duper all inclusive coverage they can afford? I'm happy with that, and that's the way I thought the UK were heading with the story from the OP. I don't think you believe those that can't afford much should take whatever treatment they can afford on the most basic plan (even if it means no cover whatsoever - because you know people will always pay for food ahead of health coverage) either. But that everyone should have a basic level of cover that omits only the most expensive, short term remedies. Right? So isn't the question not whether a 'choice' needs to be made, as it's clear that whoever makes the provision for healthcare will have a choice to make on that score and will investigate the parameters as you say. Isn't the question who makes that choice...the government/indepentent non-profit organisation to ensure maximum coverage and affordability for the taxpayer, or a private insurer looking to ensure maximum profits and minimum costs? Well the US system isn't really a system its legalised death to the poor. 40% or summat with no cover whatsoever and if hanging around major cities with little money don't kill you they'll farm you off to some war zone or other to finish you off. I can hear them now in the Pentagon "If only the poor weren't so darn healthy"...etc... Hasn't the private/public partnership fucked up the water, trains, and underground?? Hasn't the free market fucked up the banks and education?? Hasn't our so called democracy led us into a pointless long term war commitment on two fronts costing 1billion a week?? Aren't politicians, bankers and insurance companies born liars and criminals?? Let's stop talking shit and this pretense of educated middle class coffee morning wanking this thread is turning into and buss some caps.
  4. I'd give him 6 months inside with 1 yr suspended. JudgeParky© has spoken. Perhaps throw in a 200,000 to a charity of the victims choice.
  5. My life is beginning to make sense to me now. Logic has got us nowhere, dig down and you'll see that logic is a disguised preference. [/Nietzsche]
  6. I bet he's sitting there with an old 486 with win 95 on it or summat.
  7. He's been in Brazil with hookers and cheap almost uncut coke.
  8. Why not make drugs companies tax exempt in return for 3yr licences and an obligation to provide a range of free drugs lower down the exotica scale? Perhaps extend this to beer at some point. What?
  9. "The agency’s current Vision for Space Exploration will waste decades and hundreds of billions of dollars trying to reach the moon by 2020—a glorified rehash of what we did 40 years ago. Instead of a steppingstone to Mars, NASA’s current lunar plan is a detour. It will derail our Mars effort, siphoning off money and engineering talent for the next two decades." Aldrin
  10. but you still need to get all the stuff up to the ISS in the first place! Break down the ISS and send it to Mars. I really ought to leave my mind to science. Aldrin idea was pretty simple too (as if you're not coming back it's a much easier thing to do), and they would get enough people willing to do it. Yup. Sending one man missions is the way forward. Also Mars is livable if you have a few odds and ends with you. You really don't half talk shit. Who the fuck in the right mind is going to volunteer for a one-way solo mission to a freezing desert millions of miles away? Although I could think of some people I'd like to volunteer. There's loads apparently. And there is water there. I'd love to go.
  11. You think appointing another Director of Football would be sensible? Especially a randy old goat like him, even the tea lady would be nervous. We'd also have to pay him through the nose, although that's of course the NUFC way. You sure this ME consortium didn't take over the wrong Magpies? That's right, pay him a fortune for sitting at his desk browsing porn or chasing secretaries up and down the corridor. Er, or something. Seems to work in the City.
  12. but you still need to get all the stuff up to the ISS in the first place! Break down the ISS and send it to Mars. I really ought to leave my mind to science. Aldrin idea was pretty simple too (as if you're not coming back it's a much easier thing to do), and they would get enough people willing to do it. Yup. Sending one man missions is the way forward. Also Mars is livable if you have a few odds and ends with you.
  13. "A woman is to challenge the Metropolitan police in the high court, claiming she was handcuffed, detained and threatened with arrest for filming officers on her mobile phone. Lawyers for Gemma Atkinson, a 27-year-old who was detained after filming police officers conduct a routine stop and search on her boyfriend, believe her case is the latest example of how police are misusing counterterrorism powers to restrict photography. Atkinson's mobile phone recorded part of the incident at Aldgate East underground station on 25 March, one month after Section 58(a) – a controversial amendment to the Terrorism Act – came into force, making it illegal to photograph a police officer if the images are considered "likely to be useful" to a terrorist." Vid here. http://www.guardian.co.uk/politics/2009/ju...ile-phone-court
  14. but you still need to get all the stuff up to the ISS in the first place! Break down the ISS and send it to Mars. I really ought to leave my mind to science.
  15. Pretty much as long as you want, if you're cunning, and play the system correctly. Personally I would start the fightback here. Make 10yr the max for a full license and then let generics have a crack. In Germany for instance very recently they for the first time have given license to a swathe of generics that can now be imported into the healthcare system. Before this they were only buying wildly expensive drugs from within the EU and Swiss only. My friends company had to take the German Govt to court to get the change. Not really good at saving themselves/or money the Germans.
  16. Chateau Auberge de ChrisRea.
  17. How long are the licenses on fancy drugs?
  18. http://www.shieldsgazette.com/nufc/Beye-me...iers.5480574.jp
  19. Lambarse sitting close to Kenneth Shepherd.
  20. it works but only with one song at a time. When I try to play more than that I am getting the gdiplus.dll message again
  21. Neef, Install WMP classic, its free and available if you just tap it into google. Then make it the default. Done.
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