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Park Life

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Everything posted by Park Life

  1. That "Chicken tonight" one...I started singing it last night whilst cooking for no reason whatsoever....Scary shit!
  2. Slow is a strange diss at a masterwork.
  3. The more protests there are the bigger their bonus.
  4. The showdown has to be the end of this month.
  5. Ashley is probably planning to market the 'belly bra' as we speak.
  6. Totally forgot about Scarface, must have seen that a fair few times.
  7. If you look Tom I've said that a 1010 times on here.
  8. Jaw sweetie Pans Labyrinth has only just come out....You sure you're counting right... Listen love, I dont watch too many films multiple times. I haven't counted at all, as I find its really odd, in an ocd kind of way for someone to say "yes, Ive watched this one 5 times, this one 12" and so on. Trutth is, I haven't got a clue, who counts how many times or even remembers how many times they have seen something? Lord of things rings Ive watched a lot. I could also add Alien in there or Evil Dead as I watched them loads as a kid, but havent for a while. Ive watched Pans Labyrinth alot of late, but of course not at all before a few years back. Maybe I should add dumbo? First film I ever saw at the pictures and watched it loads in my lifetime. The Jerk, theres another. Life of Brian or Holy Grail maybe? So, dearest, I kinda just plucked a few films but factually its probably none of these out of quite a long list. Put Alien in the fekin list then.
  9. Why would they provide proof of funding for 100m when they bid 30m??
  10. They haven't got a pot to piss in. It was all a publicity scam from day one.
  11. The missing piece of the jigsaw?? As Ashley would be the major creditor, administration would seem an odd move financially. But Ashley could probably take his losses at Newcastle, which would be close to £250m, and set them against profit at his other companies, such as Sports Direct. Ashley’s tax liability would then be reduced and his loss not so great Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/football/...0#ixzz0MVHJ6NSx Bingo! So there you have it, the answer to what's going on - we can now look forward to a 10pt deduction and no players - at least whoever buys the club after that will be able to start with a clean slate I guess. I hope karma gets Ashley for what he's done to our club, as a Spurs fan I'm sure he won't give a shit. If this is the play, then I'm not sure the word evil even covers it.
  12. The missing piece of the jigsaw?? As Ashley would be the major creditor, administration would seem an odd move financially. But Ashley could probably take his losses at Newcastle, which would be close to £250m, and set them against profit at his other companies, such as Sports Direct. Ashley’s tax liability would then be reduced and his loss not so great Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/football/...0#ixzz0MVHJ6NSx
  13. I think he announced the sale to take himself out of the firing line as well as steering clear of having to do anything pro-active during the summer. Saying the club was for sale as he did was the dumbest option as it removed most of his bargaining power in one swathe as well as inviting negative eyes at our situation. He'd have had a much better chance of selling the club if it had not been "for sale", the man is a fuckwit (or is a time traveller from the far future with some utterly diabolical plan). Strangely the second option carries at least a crumb of credibility .
  14. Jaw sweetie Pans Labyrinth has only just come out....You sure you're counting right...
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