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Park Life

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Everything posted by Park Life

  1. In all honesty would be worlds better to give a young fresh manager a challenge. O'Leary is a fixer, but he isn't a visionary.
  2. There comes a point when Karma goes into reverse. All that is lost will be found. When girls hold flowers they have their mothers eyes. Those who have lost the light will see him who holds high the lantern against the hush.
  3. Hansen and his 60 back passes to the keeper per game.
  4. To a degree, that post does inspire me. I guess I'm just bewildered at the true effectiveness of having 'one of us' at the table. Picture this: Board meeting to hire a new manager. Chairman says, "The names we have are w, x, y and z." Now then, does 'our man in Africa' dispute those names? Does he report back to us? That would just be plain daft. This is where I'm confused about it all. How much does he/she become 'one of them' due to all the confidentiality ?? He/she cannot possibly tell the board to hold on whilst he consults the supporters on every nuance of running the club. The principal of having one of our friends as part of the decision making process sounds, of course, brilliant, but I just have my doubts as to real benefit. However, I guess I will support the calls for this plan to have our fellow fans on the board, and remain hopeful that the true worth will be demonstrated, thus making my Doubting Thomas sentiments unfounded. It's a start.
  5. I haven't seen anything like it since Charles Manson started sitting on the rock and giving little talks to 'the family', while strumming his guitar.
  6. Can't see why any owner would want to do it though. What's in it for them? All I could see if I was an owner would be disruption, arguments and loss of secrecy. Why would they be interested in being accountable and justifying their decisions to a fan representative? Supporter representation on the board is not only good PR, it is a covenant that will grow the club and increase good will and income. Throws up a few problems though - Would someone with a bit of nouse be able to hold down their full-time job and still be able to commit enough time to sitting in board meetings? You don't want one of your rent-a-mob types who embarrass us at SJP every time something happens, do you? Not saying every one on the dole is a mong but you can see how it would create a conflict for a lot of suitable candidates. If you make it a paid post then the person loses their independence, so to speak. It's a tricky one. I shouldn't imagine there will be more than 2-3 meetings a year.
  7. Can't see why any owner would want to do it though. What's in it for them? All I could see if I was an owner would be disruption, arguments and loss of secrecy. Why would they be interested in being accountable and justifying their decisions to a fan representative? Supporter representation on the board is not only good PR, it is a covenant that will grow the club and increase good will and income.
  8. It will happen. Football isnät about how many shirts you sell in Malayasia or sponsorship from Singpore and the Emirates. The wheel will come full circle. The center will hold.
  9. Supporters should have by law a rep on the board (who has a vote). It will happen in the near future as football more and more moves out of the reach of the common man.
  10. I see what your saying chap but honestly, I'd rather have a smaller squad than have a slightly larger squad with a complete fucking incompetent talentless overrated lump of fucking blind-alley running, can't deliver a cross, ever, lived on the back of one fucking good game at Manure last season, where were the other 37 you greasy, goalscoringless cunt. Fuck off spider. Katanga!!
  11. One of the worst Argie int of all time? No more than an energetic utility player with no core skills.
  12. Tbf if the Borg were in the game it would have been all over by now..."Resistance is futile"...etc..
  13. Agreed 60m max. 40m would be a fair price if the loan is tagged on.
  14. The world is in danger. They are here to help.
  15. Aye, that's pretty much how I feel about it. Et moi.
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