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Park Life

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Everything posted by Park Life

  1. Yeah them were strange times. Not sure where my head was at.
  2. It's for real man. One of the other novitiates was an actual game inventor and we would discuss it while working on the farm or bread making.
  3. When I was in the monastery I used to get bored in the evenings (if not trying to escape to the pub with a fellow from Oxford) and invented a board game called 'Dark Wing'. Made all the characters meself and used the monks workshop for the board and fine detailing etc...It was a kind of Vampire game and as one character tries to make it to the center (Castle Bran) the other is trying to make his way to the 'Outworld' at the same time. Loads of subsidiary characters and obstacles are in their way etc...One character is trying to become less Vampire and the other the reverse. If you are behind its best to try and attack the main character as a last gasp measure. The board is circular with villages and swaps and so on... Still got it and still not sure about the actual rules.
  4. I invented my own cricket game with a marble bouncing off the sofa (ruler with tape on as the bat) and gave all the players their own skill ratings and performance parameters. Graham Gooch and Kapil Dev were the match winners iirc. Anyway it was very complex and I often used to cheat against myself.
  5. Aimaad got battered and done a runner.
  6. I was trying to explain the ET references to Mrs P. But Renton has a point a lot of it is nicked. Yet the new cocktail is effervescent and I've been enjoying it.
  7. The Greeks ripped off practically the entirety of their ideas from Egypt. Elite Greeks had to go and study in Egypt before they were taken seriously. They nicked writing, astronomy and maths from the Phoenicians etc...
  8. Yeah a platform for propaganda without any comeback. I've forgotten more about Journalism than you'll ever know fish face.
  9. For starters the Greek elite invented the demos to quieten down the usurpers NOT as some kind of gift to mankind. So they could get on with banging 12 yr olds and import wines from Venice. They licensed traveling musicians and theater groups and edited and oversaw their work to fit in with the elite view.
  10. That Newsnight thing is absolute bollocks and historically inaccurate. Typical BBC propaganda.
  11. It's not industrial decline. It was a clear strategy of moving American jobs by the elite out to cheap labour and low tariff zones. Done mindfully and with quiet and insidious support of the Democrats and Republicans. From Clinton, Bush 2 right through to Obama. African Americans were worse off after Obama than when he came into power. This is what Trump and his advisors get and have gone on about since day one. MSM commentary lays it out like it is some quirk of fate. It isn't its big money taking advantage of crap trade deals to undercut American labour.
  12. Klopp is in trouble. The team look knackered and confused.
  13. Bannon said he wanted to tear the Washington establishment to shreds.
  14. Always with the rider.
  15. http://www.gallup.com/poll/195542/americans-trust-mass-media-sinks-new-low.aspx
  16. The geezer can barely control a ball and his finishing is laughable. His 15 misses last term is what got us relegated.
  17. Hidden figures was acceptable but its attempts at sociology-political commentary was very shaky.
  18. Who is Marci Hamilton?
  19. Diame is quality. Would be one that would be fine in the PL.
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