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Park Life

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Everything posted by Park Life

  1. The next revolution will be by the American people against their Govt. Nailed on. I give it a year. Buy gold.
  2. That rant was funny as fuck... Still got a link to it Nicos??
  3. And here's the real punch line. After playing an intimate role in four historic bubble catastrophes, after helping $5 trillion in wealth disappear from the NASDAQ, after pawning off thousands of toxic mortgages on pensioners and cities, after helping to drive the price of gas up to $4 a gallon and to push 100 million people around the world into hunger, after securing tens of billions of taxpayer dollars through a series of bailouts overseen by its former CEO, what did Goldman Sachs give back to the people of the United States in 2008? Fourteen million dollars. That is what the firm paid in taxes in 2008, an effective tax rate of exactly one, read it, one percent. The bank paid out $10 billion in compensation and benefits that same year and made a profit of more than $2 billion — yet it paid the Treasury less than a third of what it forked over to CEO Lloyd Blankfein, who made $42.9 million last year. John Terry earns that in a year. "Come Armageddon, come armageddon come..."
  4. No honestly, it's funny too... Basically there is no new money in the system and the above is the result of scrabbling around for new 'market' share. I've been saying it's over for about 3 years now....And I'm not sure the sys can take another geo-shock as is coming in Aprilishhhhh... Busy with the bunker and water supplies etc... Thank god it is over....The people of the world deserve better.
  5. Apparently when representatives from the South African organising committee went to Germany to discuss the preparations for 2010, they were more interested in going out on the lash than actually gleaning any information that might help them. One of them actually asked the head of the Gelsenkirchen team if he knew where they could find some cheap Polish whores. It could be an interesting summer. Sounds like a normal business trip to me.
  6. Exactly, the government should be regulating, not enabling corporations. You use the word conspiracy to have a negative connotation, but there's no doubt that the treasury conspired with Goldman Sachs to save AIG while letting their competition (Lehman Bros) fail, because they had no financial interests in that company, in fact they had a vested interest (one less competitor) in seeing it fail... Treasury Secretary Hank Paulson taking care of Goldman Sachs where he previously served as the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Some of the naivety here is jaw dropping, I see no difference between Govt and big business in America in aims and fraudulent behavior.
  7. I think saying the ruling is racist is more ridiculous. It's why Fop's on it like a flash.
  8. Ha ha whitey claiming racism in South Africa. Let them endure it for a 100 years then get back to me.
  9. Ricky was class the other night (apart from one stray pass).
  10. Unbelievable man. And while I was all for getting Lovenkrands in can you believe we've given a bloke without a club and with a poor injury record a 3 year deal? You couldn't make this shit up There's probably a patent on it.
  11. Beginning to think there isn't that much to worry us in this league (early days).
  12. Did the Shields dives on Sunday... County Chichester Dolly Peel Rose and Crown Steamboat Rosie Malones Douglass Vaults Lambton Arms Mechanics (karaoke) Easy more than 12 pints. I'd say I'm nails, but I was throwing up all day monday, and could only manage watered down cider for the first few bars before the game. Complete mug, I'm gonna try to stay off the drink, I'm getting too old for the shit. I cut down a few years back when I noticed I couldn't keep my cereal down the next morning.
  13. Good piece that. The system is basically fucked and has been since the early 90's..... There will be a world currency within the next 5 years. So, invest in gold (Rio Tinto etc.) as this new currency will initially be backed by gold by law.....
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