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Park Life

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Everything posted by Park Life

  1. Nice straight answer there Fopper. Try again I think Fop's implying (in his own inimitable, veiled, cryptic style) that he boycoutts the police service, the NHS, all drug companies, the criminal prosecution service, the British education system, the USA and many many more. As to use them having ripped the shit out of them so frequently would be the height of hypocriticism. Fop has bouuiicotted more companies than we've had hot dinners apparently.
  2. That's fucked up bro. Fucked up? hes a taxi driver man, 15 hours at work equates to any normal persons tea break. He'll stand at the Central for 4 hours nattering about the state of the country to all the other drivers before picking some big titted bird up and driving her to Jesmond, have a wander to the Airport to sit nattering with the other drivers about the state of the country until the EasyJet from Benidorm comes in, then its drive 4 big titted, suntanned, hardly dressed birds over to Byker before heading back to the Central where he'll moan about the state of the country while scranning a fry up in the greasy spoon across the road. Finishing off his day by taking a pissed up, big titted housewife over to Walker, finding out shes got no cash and taking payment in kind off her....... while moaning about the state of the country.
  3. BLU - In Berln You are not my love you are the black hole mechanic. The circus cannot get into this town.
  4. e spaceboy. Berle r soul. Electralane - In Berlin. The smile of the past that you forgot.
  5. The monkey hid/dud/did the magic I left my camera in the park I like to think it's still recording. Peace and love to all in that moment when you chose to destroy. Flying Lotus - LA
  6. Dis and Dat Flying Lotus - LA. I've lost everything you gave me.
  7. Fuck off Fish. I bet your sitting with a cricket jumper draped around your shoulders as well you twat. 3 slices of wholemeal toast then off to my mams for sunday dinner and to sit bored out of my tits for 4 hours.....hoo fucking ray Pink jumper tbh.
  8. They need to take the uninsured, chop em up and use their organs to pay off their debt/feed Hilary. Means 'fee for service' reimbursement incentivises physicians to needlessly over-use healthcare resources. Like 'imaging services' that have no benefit but make the doc richer. There's a €10 charge here if you visit the doc too much....The Germans love a visit to the "doctor".
  9. Not just a charva, but a cheap assed charva to boot. It wasn't a charver shirt tbf SM. It wasn't the run of the mill chav chequer version it was a lovely white cotton, button down collars the lot, that set my firm, hardened torso off lovely. I know you would have liked it, well liked me in it. Did your little ginger chest hairs stick out the top? No I wax my chest, you could see my silver St Christopher though and if it was cold enough my erect nipples would press against the flimsy white cotton. What about your cock though? What about it? A clean whooosh!!
  10. Normally take a leisurely stroll to my local (at around 11am) and have 3 eggs and bacon on toast. Sit outside if there is a bit of sun. Two hours or so.
  11. Not just a charva, but a cheap assed charva to boot. It wasn't a charver shirt tbf SM. It wasn't the run of the mill chav chequer version it was a lovely white cotton, button down collars the lot, that set my firm, hardened torso off lovely. I know you would have liked it, well liked me in it. Did your little ginger chest hairs stick out the top? No I wax my chest, you could see my silver St Christopher though and if it was cold enough my erect nipples would press against the flimsy white cotton. What about your cock though?
  12. Generally speaking I've found building societies much more caring than banks over the years.
  13. Beginning to wonder if anyone has actually got one that works.
  14. Eaten too much red meat and smoked too many camels??? Poppycock!!! Must have been a gayer.
  15. Tbf they can't fight their way out of a paper bag these days...
  16. Thought the thread title was a twinned town thing at first.
  17. Not just a charva, but a cheap assed charva to boot. It wasn't a charver shirt tbf SM. It wasn't the run of the mill chav chequer version it was a lovely white cotton, button down collars the lot, that set my firm, hardened torso off lovely. I know you would have liked it, well liked me in it. You tease.
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