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Park Life

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Everything posted by Park Life

  1. Sheffield United keeper Paddy Kenny has been suspended from all football for nine months for failing a drugs test. The 31-year-old tested positive for a banned substance, ephedrine, following last season's Championship play-off semi-final second leg against Preston. And while a statement read "its use was not intended to enhance performance", Kenny was found guilty by the Football Association's Regulatory Commission. The suspension dates back to 22 July, meaning he can return in April, 2010. In addition, Kenny will be subject to target testing for a period of two years, while he was also ordered to pay the costs of the hearing. Commission chairman, Christopher Quinlan, said: "Whilst we found that the player satisfied us on the balance of probabilities that the substance was not taken with the intention of enhancing sporting performance, his admitted conduct displayed significant fault. "A professional sportsman has a strict responsibility to ensure prohibited substances do not enter his/her body. "In this instance Mr Kenny knowingly ingested an over-the-counter medicine above the prescribed dosage without reading the accompanying package or leaflet and without reference to his club's doctor or other medical staff. Little harsh for ephedrine. (great if you're tired and want to go out clubbing btw).
  2. Colo will actually get better. Takes a bit of time to get used to our footy etc...I've panned him heavily over the last year, so now it's time to be a little fairer.
  3. That doesn't even make sense man, you can tell you've been into cricket about 5 minutes Would mean that he fucks some monsters on the side to balance it out. I'm betting he bats for the wrong side. I think he's as batty as fk! Case closed.
  4. For the love of god, someone put this cunt out of his misery.
  5. Not with that wanking glove on.
  6. That doesn't even make sense man, you can tell you've been into cricket about 5 minutes Would mean that he fucks some monsters on the side to balance it out. I'm betting he bats for the wrong side.
  7. whats the point in a forum if everyones so insisting on just PMing each other all the time? got something to say say it loud and say it proud. Fish should be doing that anyway, if he were to stick to his principles. I give it 5 days before he's terrorised to the point of collapse by Wacky and Stevie.
  8. whats the point in a forum if everyones so insisting on just PMing each other all the time? got something to say say it loud and say it proud. One of your better posts, why all the cloak and dagger stuff Fish you Pimms drinking shithouse? Taking a ravaging from the front row and no mistake.
  9. haha I think it's worse than Souness, at least Souness can talk a good game. It's like appointing Mick Wadsworth as Manager imo. Not even close. The word travesty barely covers it.
  10. Why Fish ffs??! It's not even funny like if Stevie was made a mod....
  11. You and alex were in a threesome? two others, it was a fourway. Me, Matt, Jonny and alex. good times. Who was wicketkeeper??
  12. This will send Stevie over the edge.
  13. Good show for mid-winter...Top tupping!!
  14. Whatever you want baby. You see it means different things to diff folk. For me it is all about empathy and communication, if I'm with a girl I really love sex is only really a detail.
  15. I'm sure this is just his internet persona. Surely everyones the same on the net as off it does this mean you don't stay frosty If I can't who the fuck can??!!
  16. ...you would kiss him? ... who made you a fcking moderator !
  17. I'm sure this is just his internet persona.
  18. Minge like Brian May's plughole I bet. Aye, but romantic with it.
  19. Fop is cool. Step back bitches!!
  20. Cashley will be here till he gets all his money back.
  21. Tell us a bit about her and those oh...so...good times. For me it was a French lass named Joelle and we had a wonderful six months in Paris. Parky has never had it like that ever again.....So long ago now it seems.
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