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Park Life

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Everything posted by Park Life

  1. *Moving the mouse around. My poetics too refined for you??
  2. Living in Miami apparently. Those Yemeni restaurants go down a storm with the snow birds apparently. He's quite keen on the Art Deco. Just bought Versace's place apparently. Would be mint if he turned up there like. Perhaps garbed out in the full winter collection.
  3. Hark at Fish applying for cushty jobs where he can drink coffee and play mouse ballet.
  4. Living in Miami apparently. Those Yemeni restaurants go down a storm with the snow birds apparently. He's quite keen on the Art Deco.
  5. Living in Miami apparently.
  6. I remember thinking at the time that the Fed just made up money and sooner or later the system would collapse.
  7. The Govt in the U.S. hasn't changed since Kennedy died. More or less the same people and interest groups get in every time, Obama included. I don't really think that's true in foreign policy / international diplomacy terms. I don't think you'd have had someone like Clinton (who I'm not saying is a saint by any means) would have launched into rhetoric like 'you're either with us or you're against us' or indeed would have invaded Iraq on such a dodgy premise. It's simply not true on any level. Just another Parkyism. No it's not. Obama is basically the same as Bush is he then? Thank fuck I'm not that cynical. More or less yes. Just increased the allocation to Afghan and Iraq didn't he?? It's not his fault as Nicos alluded to the whole paradigm is so far gone it's hard to gain support for almost anything rational there these days. Didn't you just state before that at least Afghanistan is the right target (I believe the US are leaving Iraq)? So that's one difference straight away. Basically I agree with Alex's post on the matter, no point adding more. They should really be 'in' Pakistan.
  8. Only one degree in quantum mechanics??
  9. I think you'd agree he wouldn't have gone about things like the neo-cons did though, aye? I know all the presidents of the US serve big business and so on (as they need to) but I'm talking about something different. I think someone with a bit of vision like Clinton could have perhaps seized the opportunity to sort out the Israel/Palestine problem once and for all (and used the universal sympathy the US had at the time as a means to do so). That in turn could or would have change or at least partly-nullified a lot of anti-US/Israeli/western sentiments in the Muslim world because much of that is based on the notion that the US are extremely hypocritical when it comes to Israel to the injust detriment of the Palestinians. It wouldn't have been a magic wand by any means but it would have been a start. Agreed.
  10. The Govt in the U.S. hasn't changed since Kennedy died. More or less the same people and interest groups get in every time, Obama included. I don't really think that's true in foreign policy / international diplomacy terms. I don't think you'd have had someone like Clinton (who I'm not saying is a saint by any means) would have launched into rhetoric like 'you're either with us or you're against us' or indeed would have invaded Iraq on such a dodgy premise. It's simply not true on any level. Just another Parkyism. No it's not. Obama is basically the same as Bush is he then? Thank fuck I'm not that cynical. More or less yes. Just increased the allocation to Afghan and Iraq didn't he?? It's not his fault as Nicos alluded to the whole paradigm is so far gone it's hard to gain support for almost anything rational there these days.
  11. The Govt in the U.S. hasn't changed since Kennedy died. More or less the same people and interest groups get in every time, Obama included. I don't really think that's true in foreign policy / international diplomacy terms. I don't think you'd have had someone like Clinton (who I'm not saying is a saint by any means) would have launched into rhetoric like 'you're either with us or you're against us' or indeed would have invaded Iraq on such a dodgy premise. It's simply not true on any level. Just another Parkyism. No it's not. There's still a difference. But the entire political spectrum inhabits the right now. Rather than Liberal policies versus conservative, the debate is now between conservative democrats and ultra right wing religious extremists. Yes.
  12. I'm cutting his survival to 3 days....
  13. Proof if ever it were needed that the English are as non-racist as Ron Atkinson. We are so much better than everyone else aren't we? Too much coffee.
  14. The Govt in the U.S. hasn't changed since Kennedy died. More or less the same people and interest groups get in every time, Obama included. I don't really think that's true in foreign policy / international diplomacy terms. I don't think you'd have had someone like Clinton (who I'm not saying is a saint by any means) would have launched into rhetoric like 'you're either with us or you're against us' or indeed would have invaded Iraq on such a dodgy premise. It's simply not true on any level. Just another Parkyism. No it's not.
  15. Or have sold them more weapons to facillitate the attack. Mike Ashley says one thing and does another too. He's a cunt for it. So you want people at Vickers in Scotswood on the dole? Are you saying we should wage war to keep unemployment low? WW2 did end the last depression, maybe in the current eeconomic climate we should invade more countries. Been U.S. economic policy for 2 decades.
  16. The Govt in the U.S. hasn't changed since Kennedy died. More or less the same people and interest groups get in every time, Obama included. I don't really think that's true in foreign policy / international diplomacy terms. I don't think you'd have had someone like Clinton (who I'm not saying is a saint by any means) would have launched into rhetoric like 'you're either with us or you're against us' or indeed would have invaded Iraq on such a dodgy premise. Clinton passed the sub-prime legislation as his leaving present. **Bosnia was the last good U.S. intervention and Clinton can be proud of that.
  17. Parky said something a few weeks ago, something along the lines of we're the least racist country in Europe, he's well placed to make such a remark too and I agree with him 100%. Racism against blacks exists here and there, but largely it's cool and people who are outright racist against blacks are now more or less laughed as being total wanks by almost everybody. In the 70s and 80s and some of the 90s the far rights anger was directed at blacks and jews, then it was just jews and it's now muslims, where laughably jews are made to feel welcome within the far right. Overall though this country was racist, it's comfortably the least racist in Europe. Imagine the Danish thing happening here. I've lived in France and Germany and England is by a country mile the least racist and the most assimilated country in Europe. Something that will always make me proud. That's two countries like so you can hardly make the sweeping claim we're the least racist country in Europe. What about the Scandinavian countries for instance? Also, when was the last time you actually lived here to make a judgement? Only about 10 people live in Sacandanavia so it don't matter. Didn't think I had to mention the Spanish as they are more or less cunts to a man, you only have to look at the motor racing fiasco and the racism at the football grounds. With Italy North and South are very different so I wouldn't take a broad stroke.
  18. The Govt in the U.S. hasn't changed since Kennedy died. More or less the same people and interest groups get in every time, Obama included.
  19. I'm every bit as proud of our forefathers defending the sovereignty of other nations, and our own, as you are. Our finest hour. Germany, an occupying force, and their allies having invaded Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Poland, Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Romania needed someone to step up and we (amongst others) did so heroically. Don't you think it tarnishes the memory of those who died for freedom and democracy to be an ally to the US now. Themselves an occupying force in Iraq and Afghanistan and primary support for Israel's occupation of Palestine. We would do well to de-link from all this madcap U.S. foreign policy. There was 0 need to invade Iraq apart from U.S. empire building and they stated at the time they would go in without EU or U.K. support. To our credit 3 million or so marched in London against it. There is more reason to invade Pakistan/Afghan border areas than Iraq.
  20. Le Pen and the far right were close to taking over France only a few years ago. It would be the equivalent of the BNP running England.
  21. Parky said something a few weeks ago, something along the lines of we're the least racist country in Europe, he's well placed to make such a remark too and I agree with him 100%. Racism against blacks exists here and there, but largely it's cool and people who are outright racist against blacks are now more or less laughed as being total wanks by almost everybody. In the 70s and 80s and some of the 90s the far rights anger was directed at blacks and jews, then it was just jews and it's now muslims, where laughably jews are made to feel welcome within the far right. Overall though this country was racist, it's comfortably the least racist in Europe. Imagine the Danish thing happening here. I've lived in France and Germany and England is by a country mile the least racist and the most assimilated country in Europe. Something that will always make me proud.
  22. Aye, you've got to laugh at yanks though. Some big black bloke 15 minutes after the second plane hit "arrrrrhhh I think this may be a terrorist attack mayaaan". Intuitive bloke. Perhaps more planes and more buildings would have resulted in viewer fatigue.
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