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Park Life

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Everything posted by Park Life

  1. Thought it was complete tosh. Don't understand how M.Night continues to get money to make films. Everything he makes loses money now. Last Airbender cost the studio hundreds of millions in losses. Sixth Sense and Signs were the last two to make a decent profit and they were ages ago. https://fivethirtyeight.com/datalab/the-death-spiral-of-m-night-shyamalans-career/
  2. UK has gone from being the most multi-cultural and tolerant society in Europe to one that has become resistant to further integration and immigration. I can never work out if this is because of Neo-Liberalism generally or that there has been a perceived too much immigration from the EU. Blair didn't take the 7 year waiver that France and Germany took with reg to A7 (Eastern European) free movement. Racism and lack of integration is far worse in France and Germany than it is in the UK. Economically the UK greatly benefited from immigration from the 80's right into the 00's. The crunch as far as I can see has only come in the last 5/8 years. From the sub-continent to the HK Chinese and through to the Polish wave they have all had a positive impact on the UK economy.
  3. Similar situation in France where the left is backtracking and on the retreat. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/alain-minc/the-end-of-socialism-in-f_b_4688269.html ''What can the Socialists do now? Vote against the President and find themselves in a group of 50 MPs? We now know that the far left/left equation can no longer claim a majority. The break with the far left is interesting. We have had a situation where two government parties are blocked by their extremist wings -- one far left, the other far right. Hopefully, France will look like a normal democratic country from now on whose future is decided by a battle at the center.''
  4. https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2017/feb/12/labour-leaked-poll-search-jeremy-corbyn-successor-sunday-times ''Long-Bailey, a former lawyer and the MP for Salford and Eccles, was viewed more favourably with the group describing her as “passionate”, “genuine”, “sincere” and “very smart”, although some saw her as “aggressive” and “rough”. Speaking on the BBC’s Andrew Marr Show, Labour’s deputy leader, Tom Watson, denied that the party was vetting potential leadership successors. “I only saw this story last night,” he said. “People tell me that isn’t the case, it wasn’t road-testing leadership candidates. There was a range of shadow cabinet members that were so-called road tested. This is what we do in our normal run of political consultations.''
  5. You're not Labour anyway are you? Always saw you as a Blairite/Lib Dem type.
  6. There seems to have crept in this corrosive idea about positioning ever since the Blair days when it should always have been about core policies. As you say with the correct leader and a challenging agenda the party could be re-branded and not continue on this path where it is losing grass roots support to UKIP.
  7. From what I see there are two distinct camps in Labour both believing they are the keepers of the flame and both with diverging ideas about the future. Will it ever be a force again in British politics?
  8. The geezer has been a complete waste of 10m. Single handedly got us relegated with his 68 misses.
  9. He looks better than Trippier to me. Spurs should have kept him as the backup.
  10. Workmanlike. Sneaking goals in games like this is a good habit.
  11. You lot have been living in it all your lives you just never noticed. But yes I am the fulcrum.
  12. Guy Verhofstadt with his 7 orders of the Cross and one Knight Commander is proper Sith Lord material and Theresa will have to be on her game. The war for the future has begun.
  13. Although Mrs P will sit through good films (I've been lining up) see loves a bit of that Twilight pap. Women are hard wired to like cack basically.
  14. Get rid. There is nothing worse in life than an irritating clueless woman messing with your shit.
  15. Bit boring in parts and some very long takes with little camera movement but absolutely lush on Blu ray.
  16. Must have watched Zatoichi about 6 times. Stone cold classic. It's basically me dealing with Renton, Gloom and Ewok.
  17. You need magnetized rocks warmed up and put on affected area. Most magnetized are in Finland iirc. Maybe Iceland...
  18. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G-lqem0TAlo
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