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Park Life

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Everything posted by Park Life

  1. On current form Guthrie is our beat midfielder by a mile.
  2. Black faux gangsta's going on about the hood says nothing to me about my life Hang the dj hang the dj hang the dj
  3. Park Life


    Still ain't got one single "rap" album.
  4. Maybe you are a randomly aggressive tosser? The point was to take the mickey out of Parky, who I think is taking this a bit too seriously. I'm totally serious. There will be no flim flam with Turks. I will nip this shit in the bud as soon as she starts English.
  5. Fish Craig v Fop Stevie Wacky Parky Probably end up a mercy killing.
  6. Seems like using the old or trick of inflaming hatred to bolster political power. We do the same.
  7. Brings it on himself basically.
  8. She won't be having a Turkish boyfriend. Im not even sure where this 'chicks dig Turkish' guys comes from. I've never heard of that before. It's patent nonsense. Only the fat birds seem to have Turkish. Their faux mahco/greasy front does them no favours like. Scarily true. Plus Western women tend not to last long with many Turkish blokes, because of the cultural differences. Memsab comes with her own patented retinue of bullshit.
  9. There are no americans and moat has about 10p in the bank.
  10. She won't be having a Turkish boyfriend. Im not even sure where this 'chicks dig Turkish' guys comes from. I've never heard of that before. It's patent nonsense. Only the fat birds seem to have Turkish. Their faux mahco/greasy front does them no favours like.
  11. She won't be having a Turkish boyfriend.
  12. Only found out about it this morning. Massive argument with Mrs P....Threatened to go down to the school... This is ridiculous, English is the international bridging language ffs!!!!111 Why would you need Turkish as a second language? It's not like they don't understand "doner kebab with chips please, aye and plenty onions". Stevie think of it this way, it's like kids in North London starting Bengali before they start French. This is off the fucking scale. I'm preparing a letter to the stadt meister as we speak. Be sure to write it in Turkish, he'll like that You can be sure if it were in Turkish it would be expedited.
  13. Love the way Fop gets a few punches in while Stevie is mauling the Fish...
  14. Park Life


    Could have should have would have
  15. If it was French or Spanish I'd agree with you.
  16. I've got no idea. Never get told anything around here....Looks like it is looking at the school website. As always it will be my fault. So you're complaining that she's learning Turkish at a German-Turkish school? Way to take an interest in her education. She was singing Turkish songs at breakfast ffs!!111 I asked Mrs P what the fuck PJ was singing and it's a traditional Turkish song. I'm sorry but that is unacceptable.
  17. I've got no idea. Never get told anything around here....Looks like it is looking at the school website. As always it will be my fault.
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