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Park Life

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Everything posted by Park Life

  1. Park Life

    Peep show

    I thought last night was sitcom at its best, especially the bit in the Mexican. 'Oh shit, Daddy's got his hat back on' I'm really surprised at comments on last night, i thought it was easilly the best episode of this series, without question. The first episode was alright, second was good and last night the best. Just watched it, best one so far.
  2. The prize might also have been to encourage him to do more around the world for peace.
  3. I've mentioned this a few times and I'd rather Moat didn't buy the club ( if he ever does).
  4. Wasn't that something to do with his sponsorship from Puma? No, he wanted to wear his own range of gear he was promoting at the time.
  5. Take out your cellophane packed shotgun and blast the fucker.
  6. Fathers for Justice or whatever come across as right wankers though. And there's more to this than just getting pubclicity. We've got loads of that. Hit the cunt in the pocket. What will picketing his head office do? It's probably a warehouse in Herts or something anyway. Problem is he wont get hit in the pocket. Even last year when Keegan went there were still plenty of people queueing up for pies and drinks inside the ground. With the takeover hanging by a thread, I now hope he gets shit loads of verbals today just in case it helps make his mind up to sell. Some form of drastic action needs to be organised. He will get hit in the pocket if people boycott Sports Direct. Boucoutt all fuckin shops!!11111
  7. Even the one they made up that did well (Mormonism) is Jesus based. I've read some stuff that suggests the religiosity goes back to the pilgrims being persecuted fundamentalists but that can't explain it all as lots of immigrants came for other reasons (though Irish, Italian, Polish and Mexican immigration doesn't help from a Catholic pov) I've also read that the existence of the secular constitutional clauses which as outsiders we all admire have actually made it easier for insanity to propogate unlike Europe where notional state religions are both more universal but at the same time relaxed. All the religious stuff was taken over there by the Germans and Dutch initially.... The Pilgrim fathers were there before them weren't they? Weren't they persecuted English puritans predominantly from the South-West. To blame for the kerayzee gun laws as well I think. No that was Van Halen iirc
  8. Even the one they made up that did well (Mormonism) is Jesus based. I've read some stuff that suggests the religiosity goes back to the pilgrims being persecuted fundamentalists but that can't explain it all as lots of immigrants came for other reasons (though Irish, Italian, Polish and Mexican immigration doesn't help from a Catholic pov) I've also read that the existence of the secular constitutional clauses which as outsiders we all admire have actually made it easier for insanity to propogate unlike Europe where notional state religions are both more universal but at the same time relaxed. All the religious stuff was taken over there by the Germans and Dutch initially....
  9. That's very good. Cheers.
  10. Sounds awesome. Will get it asap. Grizzly Bear has been the conterpoint and echo to my summer of pain.
  11. Said elsewhere that this was the soundtrack for the summer. In the words of Shakin Stevens, lovely stuff. You got Yellow House Park Keeper? Ain't got it. Should I??
  12. This is my fav album of 2009 so far, I urge the discerning amongst you (and by god there must be some) to get hold of it. Listening delight. http://grizzly-bear.net/
  13. The club won't be sold this year. Based on what tho Parky? Ashley can have his cake and eat it with a promotion payment written in.... Why hold on. Based on the last two years.
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