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Park Life

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Everything posted by Park Life

  1. didn't take long for mother teresa to arrive! Does it ever cross your mind that She was democratically elected again and again and again? Or is democracy only important when it suits YOUR agenda. She was universally (well, almost apparently) reviled in the North East though, and was effectively voted in with a block vote from the South East and Midlands who happened to benefit from her 'I'm alright Jack' philosophy. She caused untold misery in the North which we haven't, and probably never will, recover from, and she really couldn't give a shit who she hurt. Her vision of society (or rather, there is no society) was callous in the extreme. I take it you did OK alright under her though. So just for the record if the Tories had not been in power for 18 years, are you saying we would still have thriving coal mines. Steel works, and superb nationalised compaies? They might be thriving, they almost certainly wouldn't be superb. Most of Europe have protected their heavy industry through subsidy I believe. That doesnt work though im afaraid. If Labour had spent the last 10 years pumping billions into all these industries, where would the cash have come from? NHS, Schools etc etc. The same place the French and Germans get their cash from...more taxes.
  2. i assume you're talking about selling of the council houses?? i dont know ANYBODY that did'nt make a profit out of that. Err..People who need affordable housing now??
  3. well thats a pretty sad story there Fish but do you think kids in the 70's wernt out at 10pm, bored shitless! do you honestly believe things were better in the 70's than 80's? if you do then you wernt there!! strikes every week, power cuts every couple of days, no heating, no lighting, no garbage collection, little food on the shelves?. its no wonder communitys were stronger then as everyone had to rally around and share the meagre posessions they had. personnaly, i think life was better in the 80's/90's. rose tinted specs there bud. looking back wuith a nostalgic eye etc.............. Kids are now just consumers like their parents.
  4. Everything we will ever need to know is already here.
  5. The council house bribe was a deft move, kept the workers onside just long enough.
  6. A correction was needed but Thatch went too far. The House of Lords were the last line of defence ffs!!
  7. Funny you should mention that, I'm expecting a large cash payment from one of those any day now. Should be soon as I've given him my bank details and everything
  8. Most heavy industry in France and Germany (especially the auto industry) are state subsidised in various ways.
  9. "Maybe some of you have heard of The Web Bot Project, but for those of you who have not, it's quite intriguing. The Web Bot Project, developed in the late 1990's, was created to assist in making stock market predictions. The technology uses a system of spiders to crawl the Internet and search for keywords, much like a search engine does. When a keyword is located, the bot program takes a snapshot of the text preceding and following the keyword. This snapshot of text is sent to a central location where it is then filtered to define meaning. The project's concept is aimed at tapping into the collective unconscious of the universe and it's inhabitants. As well, there is an interesting time concept involved and an unusual concept of a "tipping point" regarding the past, current, and future times." http://aphroditeastrology.com/2007/05/web-...t-and-2012.html
  10. Don't really think Govt have the ability to change anything any longer.
  11. I'm waiting for IceBear.
  12. That just sounds like cold hands to me.
  13. They already are, what do you think these green taxes are all about?? What was that story about the company that owned the rainwater and charged residents who used it? It was in South America. Guatamala or summat.... Yeah, that was the famous one I knew about, but try googling for it and you get other examples like this... In Colorado, Rain Barrels Are Illegal. AmeriKKKa.
  14. I'm seriously considering doing a Reggie Perrin.
  15. They already are, what do you think these green taxes are all about?? What was that story about the company that owned the rainwater and charged residents who used it? It was in South America. Guatamala or summat....
  16. They already are, what do you think these green taxes are all about??
  17. The short ans is that people want caring capitalism but are too lazy to fight for it, unlike in the 80's.... and also that the right to public protest to raise awareness of issues was seriously curtailed by......... .... guess who? You don't need to be given 'rights' you are born with them.
  18. The short ans is that people want caring capitalism but are too lazy to fight for it, unlike in the 80's....
  19. Shouldn't there be a limit on the number of abortions you can have??
  20. Where is the lovable wee rascal? I reckon he's been stuck in his World of Warcraft themed room, pinned to the floor by two 60kg dumbells. He's run out of second life dollars apprently.
  21. China has more billionaires than any other country apart from the United States, a Forbes report has claimed. Published: 3:20PM BST 13 Oct 2009 There are 130 billionaires, up from 101 last year, compared with 359 in the United States, 32 in Russia and 24 in India 24, according to the magazine. China's rich are also getting richer, with the average wealth on the list £361 million, up almost one-third on last year. Report author Rupert Hoogewerf said China's super-rich had bounced back from the financial crisis with a vengeance. "We've seen China buck the trend and the wealth seems to be still growing," he said. "They've put the credit crunch behind them. "The key driver has been urbanisation. You've got all these cities being built, and that requires property developers, iron and steel manufacturers. The latest thing is cars." Topping the list was Wang Chuanfu, chairman of electric car and battery maker BYD, with an estimated personal wealth of $5.1 billion. Second place went to Zhang Yin and family, owner of paper recycler Nine Dragons Paper, while in third place was Xu Rongmao and family, owner of Shimao Property Holdings. What to do about China??
  22. Irene Vilar, 40, who is now married with two young daughters, had the abortions between the ages of 16 and her early thirties. She describes her decisions in a book called Impossible Motherhood: Testimony of an Abortion Addict and is now anticipating a fierce backlash from the anti-abortion community. Miss Vilar, a literary agent from Denver, Colorado said the terminations took place against a difficult period in her life during which she also tried to kill herself. Her mother had committed suicide when she was eight and two of her brothers were heroin addicts. She said her first husband, an older man, had believed children killed sexual desire and she had rebelled by not using birth control. Then she would fear losing her husband and opt for a termination. In the brutally frank memoir she writes: "My story is a perversion of both maternal desire and abortion, framed by a lawful procedure that I abused. "By the time I lay in an abortion clinic waiting for the procedure to begin, I would feel nothing but disgust and shame. When I left the clinic, I felt a calm respite, surrender. I always said to myself then 'This has to end.' "A moment came when not being pregnant was enough motivation for wanting to be pregnant. Getting pregnant began to be simply a habit.
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